Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Tag: Jamaica

  • Judith Brasher (1700-1772)

    An Account of the Life of Judith Brasher This is a short Account of the Forbearance of God to- -wards Me poor Sinner, born April 9th. May 8th 1700. and baptiz’d 1729 in the Reformd Church by the Name of Judith. My Father was Stephen Gashery of Kingston in Esopus. The Lord took my Mother…

  • Martha Büninger (1723-1812)

    {Den 2. Jan.}  1752 kam ich {Abrah. Büninger} mit meiner lieben Martha{m.n. Mariner}  nach Gnadenhütt, Ich zum Schule halten, und zum diener des Gemeinleins Meine liebe Martha zur Dienerin, und Köchin. Folgendes ist von meiner lieben Martha Ich bin gebohren in Rhod Eyland, Meines Vaters Name war Jhon Marriner, meiner Mutter Elisabeth, gebohren in New Engeland, der Vater…

  • Peter Jacob Planta (1721-1815)

    Memoir of the Life of our late venerable & happily departed Br Peter Jacob Planta, who entered into joy of his Lord, at Ockbrook, May the 6th 1815, in the 94th year of his age, written by himself.

  • Anna Rosina Church (1756-1841)

    Brief Memoir of the Widow Sister Anna Rosina Church, who departed at Petershall, March 12th. 1841. I was born Feb. 2, 1756 at Neustadt in Silesia, during a very distressing & troublous period. My Parents before my birth resistedin Lauenburg, but from there they were obliged to remove to Neustadt, having lost their all, by…