Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

William Birkhead (1703-1771)

The course of Life of our Dear Br William Birkhead who departed this Life March the 13th 1771 our Dear Br William Birkhead was born Sept. 29. 1703 At Dighton, in the Parish of Huddersfield, where he was brought up to the Church of England. He learned the clothiers Trade; But he did not Follow it long, before he Took wholly To Husbandery, in which he continu’d for the Chief part of his Life. but when his Strength Fail’d him for that Employment He Took to carding & Spining, whereby he got his Bread at home with his Dear Wife. prettily & Honestly till with in a few days of His End. He left us nothing in Writing from under his own Hand, concerning his Life, therefore: we trust content ourselves with The Following. In the year 1740 he was awakened at Dighton, in which little Place, the Brn kept there Meetings, and Settled a little Society. In the year 1758 he was receiv’d into the Society here in Mirfield. April the 4th 1763. He was at Fulneck receiv’d into the congn. went the first time to the Holy comunion at Fulneck in 1766. April 26. He was Married in 1726 To Hanah Ainley the present Widow; their Marriage was Bless’d with 9 Children, 4 Boys, & 5 Girls. 6 are gone home; 2 Daughters are in the Choir House at Fulneck; and one Son is with The Brn in North carolina. our Happily departed Br was of a Still and Bashful Turn of Mind, and not apt to Push Himself for ward as Some are; and left the Disposal of himself quite to the Brn with regard to his Degrees in the congn. and on the other hand: the Brn are also well known that they are not over Hasty with regard to reception into the congn. and admission to the L.S. and this between them both; the Time was Protracted to an unusual length, which appears from the Date of his awakening 1740. To his reception in to the congn in 1753. however our Savr. knows best how to lead those whom He will make his own; and This is a sufficient reason for us to believe that it was the right way, & the best. our dear Br Birkhead Enjoy’d a pretty good. Share of Health in General, but about 4 months ago, Symptoms of a Dropsy appear’d, yet so Favourable, that he could do

His Work to the last. He was not confin’d to his Bed above 2 or 3 Days, which is a Wonder in such Disorders. He came to the Chapel to the Holy Comunion: almost to the last; and had it but once brought home to his House, where he Enjoy’d it with his dear Wife with a believing & Hungery heart; and beg’d Sincerely: that he might Enjoy it the Next with our Savr. He was an Honest, Simple and Childlike Br a Man of very few Words: but His unexceptionable Walk and conduct Spoke for him, and gain’d him the Esteem, and Sincere love of all the Brn & Sisters in the congn. Most commonly at Speaking with him before the comion; he was Found in a State, & Situation of Heart & Mind: which was a joy to his The Labourer. He thought of Himself as becomoth a Sinner: that he was unworthy, of the least of Savrs Mercies, & Favours. He often Wonder’d at his call to the People, and Esteem’d it a particular Lot of Grace, that he belong’d to the Church of God. He was a Meek and Patient Heart during his Sickness. the 13th Instant after The Meeting: I was told, that he was very Low, and would Probably not over live the Night, & that he desir’d to see me: it was most violent weather, however: I went, and made Him my last visit, and some very tender, & Hearty conversation with Him in the End of which: I Bless’d for his departure, gave Him a a Kiss, & my leave of Him, and to Him, to Morrow I Shall be oblig’d to be from home, but that my Heart & Prayers should conduct him to the very Door of his Eternal rest. the very same Night about 10. o’clock, He fell Softly & Happily asleep, in the 68 year of His age. Saturday 16 we want to His House and Sung some verses with a Happy feeling: then the corpse was carried to Fulnek.