Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Susanna Watson (1751-1776)


The Life of the Single Sistr Susanh Watson, who went to our Savr, July 31st in the Choir House at Fulneck. Concerning which the following is Her own account.

I was born June 25th 1751 at Little Gumersall in the Parish of Birstal, Yorkshire, and Baptizd by the Brn. In my 6th year my dr Father departed this Life, and as I was of a weakly constitution my dr Mother took all posible care of me, and altho’ her cheif concern was, that I might learn to know & Love our dear savr, and to that purpose she took me to the Childrns Meetings, where I had many drawings of grace in my heart, particularly att a meeting held by Br Worthington, wherein he display’d the tender regard our dr Savr had for the Childrn that he gathord even the smallest tear Shed on his account. this was spoke in so feeling a manner, as made a lasting impression on my mind, so that I never forgot it. In my 15th year it pleasd our Savr to take my dr Mother home to himself by means of a very Short sickness. Her last blessing, Just before Her happy departure, affected me much, at which time She reccommended me in a tender manner to the care of my Eldest Sistr, who has ever since faithfully perform’d the promise She thon made, and we with my Sistr Mary together lived very Comfortably togethor; my sistr taking all posible care to preserve us from the world. In my girls yoars I already began to feel my natural depravity and had a hard Struggle with self my self, which thro’ our dr Savrs faithfullness towards me torminated in a desire to Live with the Sistrs which I made known, and obtaind leave to remove to the Houme Oeconimy in my 17 year


Octbr 16, where I was rec’d in a loving manner, and found my self quite at home amongst the Sistrs, till the same Oeconimy mov’d to the Little Moore. soon after our removal I came into an indiferency in my hoart and Suffer’d my went on for some time without much concern about my self or the aim of living with Sistrs. till my faithfull Savr thro the convictions of his gracious Spirit brought me again to Recolection, when I found I had not follow’d his intention in calling me, which was that I might learn to know and live for him alone in this world; this causd me great uneasinoss, which I cou’d by no means get rid of, but my dr Savr did not let me remain long in before he drew so sensibly near to my heart, that I was richly comforted thereby. March 27. 1769 I was rec’d into the Congn to my real abasement, and went on for Sometime in a humble sence of my own unworthiness, but soon lost my self again in my former course of indiferency, about which I become quite distressd and Miserable, till by discoursing with my Labrss I found Comfort, and was able to beleive, that our savr cou’d help me in my dispositition as well as all other failings, if I only kept close to Him. May ye 4 the same year I was rec’d into the Sistrs Choir. which together with my becoming a Canditate for the H Cn in 1770. gave me the oppertunity of feeling more thon ever my natural depravity, as our Savr made it a real schooling time to me, I try’d all means to little effect to help my self, not knowing our Savr as the Sinners only friend, till in the midst of distress he graciously

manifested himself to my poor heart in such a lively manner, as crucified for me a lost undone sinner, as if he had been realy present, assuring me at the same time of the forgiveness of all my sins, and I cou’d rely upon the allsufficiency of his Merits, as a true poor Sinner, to my inexpresible Joy and Comfort, July 17th 1771 I had the grace to injoy the H Cn the first time with the Congn to my unspeakable blossing, the impression of that great grace has been an incouragment to me in the many deviations or mistakes I have been senceible of since that time, to turn to my dr Savr who has never fail’d to Comfort & help his poor me thro’ in all Circumstances,

Thus far her own account

Our Late Sistr. was of a reserved turn of mind, which brought her sometimes into a little anxiety about herself Which she espressd in few words, but in that case our dr Savr faithfullness towards her, Comforted and Supported her, under the feeling sence of her own poverty, as well as of her sickly habit of Body, which this last spring took a consumptive turn, whereby the comencement of her disolution was – apprehonded. She did not at first take it in that light, but thought, She might still recover, but as her strength daily decreasd it became cloar to hor that our savrs intention meaning was to prepare her by this sicknoss for himself,


She became more resign’d, and spent her time in a still converse with her unseen freind, during her abode in the Sickroom, where she injoy’d the H-Cn Several times to Her comfort and blessing, resigning her self intirely to tho will of hor dr Savr awaiting tho happy Moment, whon he wou’d graciously release her out of all hor pain, which he had made tolerable to hor till towards tho later end, whon it was more severe, but did not Continue so long, as for tho time of hor departure was at hand, and which came to pass on Wensday Morning about a Qarter after 4 o Clock, whon she fell Softly and happily asleep with tho blessing of hor Choir. (in the 25 yoar of hor Age