Susan Popplewell was Born in Yorkeshire in ye Parish of harckeh in ye year 1735 ye 16th of May when she was about 3 years of age she begun to go to to hear the. Br Ockershausen and was one of ye first children that was taken under ye Brs care and when ye schoole was begun. She was one that came to it, and was a pritty child, and remind so till she became a great Con girl and then she Expressd her hearts attachment to our Saviour and to become intierly his, and indeed She was a joy to Br and Sr Helt Who had ye Care of ye Children and whom she lov’d very tenderly and she desired many times to be recived into ye congregation, and Espressd her heart and mind meny times to ye srs which had ye care of her, in ye year 51 at ye conclusion of ye ould year in Grace hall she got her her desire granted to be recived unto ye Congregation of which she was very glad May ye 4th 1753 she was Recived into ye Single Sisters Choir, by our dear Sr Anna joanna with gathers she remaind with her Parents till ye year 55 then it was made out that there shoud be a S Sisters house at Gummersall she desired thaht she might have ye saviour to Come there and she was one of ye first that came into ye house and was very much beloved by all her Sr and one coud see by all her Actions and behaviour that her heart was near to ye man of smart she long’d very much to be apertaken of ye Holy Sacrament for which she was confirmd on ye 3th of Aug- by Sr Mary, Sep- she partook of ye holy sacrament for
ye first of her deart Bridgroom. in same year little before Christmas she was taken with a pain in her side, but did not comeplain much of it: but yet one Could plainly see that it siezd on her body very much in a little wile she become something better But about two months ago her disorder reurned again of ye 11th of July she partook of our dear Savr flesh and blood for ye Last time with ye Congregation in ye Chapter and when she came home, she said Those been my last time, she soon after took to her bed, her pains incresed Every Day, and she got a swelling in her Body and leges and one Could plainly see that she would soon go to her beloved for nothing that she took from ye Docter took much affect, in all her sickness she was very patient and her choice was all was much more to go to her spouse then to Recover on ye first of August she grew still worse and Sr Sophia being come She spoke to her about going home, and Said that she knew everything was made up with our dear Lamb, and she should be glad to go him, so she continued longing and wishing that she might go to him, and to ever one that Came to see her she Express’d her hearts wiches to go and that she would not forget one of them, when she came to be with our Saviour for she could not forget Gummersal Oconemy and what she there enjoyd, has she Rained with Patients and watched for our dear Saviour her Eternal Bridegroom to come And fetch, so that it was a pleasuer to see her, She now began to alter and grew very Weak She was now and then a little light Headed, but spoke very forcfly and lung that whole verse when I shall get permishion to leve this mortal tent and on ye 12 about twelve a Clock at Noon she said now I am a going pray call them Our Dear Sr Sophia then Came to her and begun to Sing meny lafable Verses then She said dear Lamb I am a Comeing then Sister Sophia Blesd her under those Words pail lipes kiss her on ye heart Open Armes take her under which words. this happy Virgin went over into ye Armes of her beloved Bridgroom there was a prety felling of ye Nearness of him in ye Room and we thanked our Dear Lamb for her Election of grace.