Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Sarah Whitehead (1732-1759)

Sarah Whitehead born at Streal in the parish of Tong March 20 1732 her parents being presbtr she was Educated in that way, till in the 17 year of her age, she went to live with her uncle at Halifax, and as she was one day standing at the door Brothr. Helt road by, she look'd Steadfastly at him and was Supriseingly struck with his Heavenly Mien and thought surely that is a Man of God, beleiveing He was one of the so calld Brethn belonging to the people at fulenneck, this made such an Impression on her Heart and from that Hour she felt a real Compunction & desire that she might Once belong to that people, for she certainly beleived them to be the Children of God She then resolved to leave that place & return unto her Mother at Holm in Order to be nearer the Brn that she Might injoy the Oppertunities of hearing The Gosple preachd

from That time she was sensibly convinced that it was our dear Savr who had so powerfully opperated upon her Heart, & Meeting with no Objections she hastend as much as possable to accomplish her desire & call.

The dear Mother thee Holy Ghost workd powerfully on her Heart, & soon let her feel the need she had of a Redeemer, which made her Cry what shall I do to be Saved.

In this distress of mind she resolved within herself to go & speak with and the Single Sistr, accordingly she did, in a very childlike & Open hearted Manner

Her Sistr spoak words of comfort to her & in a little time after she was receivd into the Society.

The desire of her heart daily increase to be in a nearer & closer Connection with the S Sistrs & she wishd much to be taken into the Oeconomie but as there was no room her request coud not be Granted at that Time, but on March 20th 1762 she went to live with some young women belonging the Society, were she still kept faithfull to her first call & constant attentiveness to the teachings of the dear Mother under whose blessd Man eduction she was soon brought to be acquainted with her dear Mayrtd Spouse

Her longing desire much increased after that wishd for Grace of becoming Once a Member of the dear congregation & woud often Sigh & say I can hardly beleive such a favour will be granted me I'm such an unworthy Creature, but however in real Confidence of My dear Lamb I will still beg for it & On the 13 of Nov the same year her Earnest longing desire was Granted, to her Supriseing joy & abasement, for this Great Grace, the thro' pirced feet of her faithfull lover got many a Magdelen Salute.

Decbr 18 the same year the Sisrs Moveing into their new choir house at Gracehill it Caused her much Smart she not haveing leave at that some to go with them, but went with some other Sisrs to to live in the Oeconomie at Pudsey, were she began to grow some what unfaithfull to her kind teacher, by which Means she brought herself into a reasoning way which Caused her some unhappy hours.

But our dear Saviour out of love & Mercy drew near to her poor heart again & in a consumeing Manner gave her

her to feel that she was cared of from that blessd point which woud ??? ???? in all ????? of heart & mind & felt that she ??? now as a poor sinner afresh on his Grace & Mercy which she did, and said I know that he loves me & is my best & kindest friend & I am Much ashamed that I have kept so long at a distance from him Oh he his my poor souls lover & I must have a nearer connection with his dear bleeding Heart or I cannot subsist. She now began to be very serious & thoughtfull about the Lord Supper Her heart longd & panted Much after the precious Corpse & blood of her dearest Jesus, on account which she Earnestly desired to be rememberd by Sistr Mary who faithfully thought on her before her dear & woundd friend. she Graciously premitted her to be a particapant of his more Corpse & blood in the blessd saccrement on July 13 54. this proved a weighty and abideing blessing for her heart.

But yet when she lookd on the choirhouse it causd her some pain & she woud often say I know it is My right habittation. I know My Lamb has calld me to belong thereto. & on Nov the same year she had the Grace & favour to become an inhabitant of the same to her great joy & consolation.

in the Spring of the year 55 she got a cough & a swelling in her neck, attendd with much pain, she did not think this woud prove the Ocasion of bringing her to her Eternal rest at that time, she used Some Means and soon grew better again, till the fall of the year, on whch her disorder returnd, worse then before, then it was very preceptable it woud prove a lingering consumption but yet she

coud not beleive it & said it is Only a little Cold that I have got. being of a carefull dissposition & afraid of being troublesome to any Caused her some needless perplexity which she was sencible of. But for all that she Carryd her sickly tabernacle with great patience seldom complaining, but went on in a pritty Still Manner.

Nov 9 57 she was obligd to take to the sickroom and on the never to be forgoten 13 of the same month she prosterated herself before her head Elder & what she felt at that time from the nearness of her Absolveing Bridegroom she never coud Express the Efficacy of his presence so penetrated thro' soul & body to her great comfort & consolation, after this Gracious Visit she grew better & went into her workroom for some time were she spent her days in stillness, she being Generaly and of few words, but when she did speak it was very perceptable to all, that she live in the nearness & confidence of her dearest friend whose faithfullness she coud rely on, on all Occassions, this gave the Sister great Satisfaction & increasd their love much towards her.

In the Spring of the year 58 her dissorder returnd again & on March the 1 she took to the sickroom the second Time there she enterd into serious consideration about her going home, & thought prehaps the Happy time will now come soon, but yet was afraid to beleive it or speak much about it, for feard of being dissapoint in her Expectation of that wishd for hour not coming so speedy as she wanted it. March 20 being her birthday

Her Class Sistrs made her a love feast, at which she was very much ashamed & Expressd her thankfullness to them for all the love they had shewd her.

Sistr Mary conversed with her about going home, she told her she beleived that woud be the last birthday she shoud keep here, & said I realy want & pant Much to be with My lover who has so faithfully preserved & kept My poor soul in a continual connection with his dear person.

in her sickness her Mother & sister, who also belong to the Congn frequently Visitd her, and as her illness still seamd to be lingernig her Mother askd if she woud go & live with her little wile to try if change of air woud make any Alteration to her dissorder, she Answerd Ah dear Mother how Can you Ask me to leave My dear choirhouse in which I have injoyd so Much Grace & blessing in fellowship with My dear Sistrs from the presance of My bleeding Bridegroom who calld & destind Me for it from all Eternity & here I will continue till he calls me into his arms & bosom, oh My dear Mother the love & tenderness that has been shewn to Me hear I can never be thankfull Enough for, coud I fare Ever so thankfully in any other place Id rather live on bread & water then prove dissobedient to My call.

Then she bound herself anew to her faithfull Redeemer & choir, Never to leave them in Time or in Eternity.

Her Mother was Satisfyd with her answer but concernd at her self for puting such a Question to her, in July she grew a little better & returnd again into her

workroom which caused her such pain & tears that her beloved fetchd her not to himself were she desired so much to be.

decbr. 28 she was spoaken with for the Lord Supper were she Simply Expressd her ardent desire to be once more refreshd by her dear bridegroom in the holy sacrament in fellowship with the congregation, beleiveing this woud be the last time she shoud injoy it here below made for the more anxious to receive it fellowshiply in the Great hall so that she coud hardly be preswaded from, tho' the great weakness of over woud admit of so such thing. she at last was resignd & on her yearsday she partook of it for the Last time in her room.

Jany 13 she took to the sick room firmly beleiveing that her dearest Jesus woud soon prepare & fetch her to His Eternal Embraces, this Comfortd her poor heart & she claved closely to him as a poor worm and said to a Sister with her. Oh I can never tell what my friend has been to me in the deepest distresses of body & Mind, Oh yet if I look but unto him he was Ever ready to assist me in all my needs & necessities, he has never yet fail to help such a poor worthless worm as I am on His fidelity will I trust till I shall get permission to leave this Mortal tent. Thus she continued in a very sweet & tender dissposition panting for the last kiss on 18 she sent again for Sistr Mary, & said she shoud now soon go home, but had first one favour to beg which was to have her Class drest in white & in the Night carry her Corpse in to the great hall, which was

was Ganted her, saying I love them Much & when I come in the presence of My dear Saviour I will then kiss those dear hands & feet which has been pericd thro' for them & me, ah then I will remember you & them. Each particularly & all the rest of My dear sisters On the 19 she sent for her Mother on seeing her she said I am very Glad to see you Once more before I go home, for I wanted to know if you are Satisfyd about me & Every thing pertaining My burial, to which her Mother answerd yes I am.

after some conversation her Mother & Sister took a very tender leave of her.

On the 20 after the sacrement Sr Mary went to her again & intimated to her what the congregation had been injoying Asking if she coud be satisfyd to go before she had once more partook of that dear Corpse & blood into her dieing tabernacle. She answerd oh yes I woud not stay one Moment for that but will fly quite Speedy into the Arms of My dear bleeding bridegroom were I will keep Sacremts with him for Ever.

Then was sung she soon shall get premission ??? appear as her pertition?? whom shed in want of strength and when in his arms lastly her mouth shall pallid grow Then she with a fluttering Tongue said sing sing some more so the singing continued till she fell softly asleep on the breast of her beloved between the hours of a 11 & 12 under the singing of those words, so go there go dear heart & hide &c.

The feeling in the room ??? ??? ??? in such a ???? manner as will never be forgot by all present