Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Sarah Horsfall (1697-1765)

Sarah Horsfall


The married Sr Sar: Horsefall was born at Barnsley
Decr: 5th 1697. Her Parents being religious Members of the Church
of England brot her up in the same way, and when her Father
was about to depart this Life, which happened when the
deceased Sr was 7 Years old, he desired that this his Daugh
ter, for whom he had a great Love, might go to live with her
Grand Mother who was a pious old Woman. With her she
remained till she departed this Life, and then went to wait
on a Gentlewoman, in which Place as well as in some other
Gentleman’s Families she was never easy in her Mind, but
always thoughtfull about her future State till she was
married to the present Widower at Glosop in Derbyshire
July 2d: 1727, by whom she had 7 Children, 1 Son is in the S Brns
House at Fulneck and 1 Daughter marrd in Gohar & in our Society;
3 are gone home before her & 2 in the World.

About the Year 1743 Her Husband went to hear Mr Ingham
preach at Smithhouse, whereby he became awaken’d, and his
frequent attending the meetings of awaken’d People caused
a good deal of uneasiness between them both, till being
drawn by Curiosity to see what her Husband was so fond
of, she went herself and soon found that she was in a very
wretched Condition as touching her Salvation. Then it became
clear to her what it was that made her Husband so diligent
in going to the meetings at such a distance, she asked his
Pardon with shame for her past behaviour and nothing
cou’d prevent her going along with him ever after. About
the same time she desired the Gospel might be preached in their


House for the Benefit of her Neighbours, whose Souls Hap
piness she thirsted after, and it has continued there with
blessing ever Since. She turn’d to our Saviour as a poor
lost Sinner and found him gracious to the forgiving her
all her Sins and cleansing Her from all Unrighteousness,
the clear impression of which she retained unalterably to
her last Moment. She was received into the Congn at Fulneck
Decr 21st 1748. to her great Joy, and went the first time to
the holy Comn with the Congn in Gumersal Chapel Decr 4th 1751

From that time she prized her Elec
tion of Grace to the Congn as dear and precious, and missed
no Oppertunity either at Mirfield or Fulneck till old Age
and bodily Infirmities obliged her to stay at home much
against her will. When she at any time heard Brn & Srs excuse
their not attending the Meetings on Account of family Con
cerns or Business, she always replied: “That never hindered
me, for if I knew of a blessing for my heart, I always recom
mended my family concerns to our Savr and went, and
when I return’d, found things in better order than if I had
been at home my Self.” She was a faithfull and carefull
Hostess and Nurse to all Brn & Srs who came to her House
and had at such times much of the Martha Spirit mised
with Marys Disposition of heart to enjoy. ‘Tis true, Her
Activity of Soul was sometimes hurtfull to her, but when
ever she was reminded of it she always acknowledged her
fault and came to rights again. She had rationally This
ick disposition very often hurried her beyond her


Strength of Body and brot on slight Sicknesses, which in
a little time went of again, but Sepr 9th being much hurry’d
in providing for those who were working in the Harvest
was the Day on which she took her last Sickness. However
she was well at Noon and dined with her Husband & Br Wor
thington who went there to keep the meeting, in her usual
chearfull way; but suddenly got up from Table and went
out complaining of an uncommon Pain in her Head. Her
long stay caused her Husband to follow her, and finding her
incapable of helping herself, he brot her in and put her
to Bed where her disorder soon shewed itself to be a hot
fever. When her pain was most Violent she soothed her Soul
to ease & rest with the tormenting Anguish & Pain of her
dear Saviour which she told Br Worthington that same day.
Sunday Sepr 15th: when Br Worthn: went to preach at Golear
he found her much easier as if the fever had left her Up
on asking her if she thot she shou’d go home? she said: that
wou’d be my hearts Inclination, for I have lived long enough
without seeing him, tho’ he has never left me from the first
time I knew him to this Hour, but I cannot tell how it will
be. However if he will take me I am ready, for I have his
Blood and Righteousness, tho’ I feel my Self more vile
than ever I did in my Life. Sunday Sepr 22d: Her Husband
reminded her that it was the Comn day. she replied I know
it and have no Mind for eating or for drinking food which
must corrupt again; of Gods Bread that heavenly I
am thinking, Jesus Christs flesh I’d obtain; who was
formed of the Seed of David & his Blood is Drink Oh! how


I crave it from Earth’s life to be set free in Love’s Immortallity.
She continued mostly in a Slumber till Tuesday the 24 at Night
when her Soul took flight to the Arms of her eternal Bridegroom
about 10 oClock in the 68th: Year of her Age.