Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Rachel Bradley

Born: 1742, Golcar Parish of Huddersfield
Died: 1809, Fulneck

Learn more about the life of Rachel Bradley

The single Sr Rachel Bradley who hap-
pily departed this life Aug. 30th 1809.
has left the following short account:
I was born in Goweer in the parish
of Huddersfield
Oct 15th 1742. Shortly
before I was born, my Mother began
to attend the meetings of the Brn;
and as soon as she possibly could
she took me to the meetings too, the
first time I remember having any serious
thoughts concerning our Saviour was
in my 6th year, when Br Hauptman
was Keeping as a Childrens meeting:
He spoke so movingly about the suf
ferings & death of our Saviour that it
made a deep impression on my mind.
It being Good Friday, he told us that
this was the day when the Lord died
to redeem us out of the hand of the
destroyer, telling us to pray to our Sa-
viour to make us good & happy Chil-
dren, and give us a Heart to love him.
I prayed if thought, so I will, & prayed
fervently, so that I felt him very near

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to my heart. Going to Bed at night I
thought I saw our Saviour, he showed
me his hands & his feet, and I felt
such a love to him, that I beg’d
of him to take me to himself.
In my 8th year my Parents being in
very low circumstances, my Oncle and
Aunt payed us a visit, and offered
to take one of us Children to their
house, my Aunt fixed her choice on
me, to my great grief, because she
had no liking for the Brn. As
my Parents insisted upon me going
I went out of obedience, but spent
2 very unhappy years. My Br Richard
coming from Fulneck about that time
gave me an oppertunity to aquaint
him with the uneasiness of my mind,
I told him that I should never go
to Heaven if I remained here. He
asked me where I should wish to
be? I answered any where among the
Brn. My inclination was to live
with the S. Srs, but could not see

how it was possible to be brought about.
Being one Night very uneasy, I kneel-
ed down by my bed, and prayed
to our Saviour with many tears, that
if it was his mind for me to live
with the Srs he would make it
known to me, by putting it into
my Mothers heart, to come and see
me, that I might tell her all
the trouble of my mind; to my
great surprise she came next mor-
ning, I was struk, and thankedto the
Lord, because I knew it was his doing.
When she asked me how I did
I answered; very well! she said she
was glad to hear it, for she suffered
much on my account the last night
& could have no ease of mind till
she knew what was the matter
with me. I inquired about her re-
turn, she told me in the afternoon,
I took no farther notice, but dressed
myself to go with her, on seeing what
I was about she wished me not to

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do it, saying my Father would be much
displeased, not withstanding I set
out, but my Mother using all manners
of persuasion for me to remain where
I was, I told her that I could not
return, unless she spoke with Br
concerning me, which she faith
fully promised to do, & I returned to my
Oncle & Aunt who recd me gladly, telling
me that I was beloved by them as
their own Child. I thanked them for
their Kindness towards me, but aquaint-
ed them with nothing farther. My
Mother fulfilled her promise, spoke
to the Brn & they soon found a place
for me, my Sr came to fetch me
& I felt very thankful to the Lord
for what he had done for me.
The next day we came to Little town
where I remained for a short time,
from thence I obtained leave to live
in Gummersal Srs House, and after
living 2 years there, I removed to
Fulnek. Now indeed my heart was
melted before our Saviour, seing with

what unwearied Kindness & patienceour Saviour he has followed me, I shed
sinner tears before him, and intreated
him fervently to keep & protect me
during my pilgrimage here below;
& I must own to his praise that he has
never left nor forsaken me, I feel my
self a very great sinner, but hope thro’
his enabling grace I shall give joy to
our Saviour & his Congn. I my 15th
I had the favour to be recd
into the Congnwhich proved a great
blessing to my heart. But now the
depravity of human nature began to
show itself more & more. I felt a great
inclination to enjoy the pleasures of this
world & often thought of going back &
leave the Congn; I grew also very re-
served, so that I could not open
my heart to any one. But my ever
faithful Saviourfollowed me his poor Child
with unwearied Kindness & made it
clear to me that it was his will that
I should live in the Congn One day

I took a walk with a full determi-

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nation not to return till our Saviour
had manifested himself to me in his
bleeding & dying form, he as the best
friend of sinners granted my request,
asuring me at the same time of the
forgiveness of all my sins. I now

returned home happy and comfort-
able, in the nearness of my mercyful
Saviour, he also gave me grace that
without reserve I could open my
mind to my Choir. Labores. wishing
to keep noting hid which might hin-
der my source of grace. I felt now
a great desire to enjoy the Holy
Comn and this great favour was gran
to me in my 22d year. And now
I wish for nothing else, but to re-
main sitting at his thro’ piersed feet
& greeting them for my election of grace.
I own and feel myself as the poorest
of sinners, and have nothing to plead
but his mercy. With patience immense
With love most intense- Hath he led
me on, – I’m lost in amezement
When thinking thereon.

Thus far her own Account, which she dictated
to a friend in the year 1805. and added
at the same time, that this short acct
given of her early life had been the
most remarkable to her, and the period
in which she sought & found real
happiness, & tho’ more then 40 years
had elaps’d since, during which time
much had occurred yet she could say
nothing more, but thank and praise our
our Saviour for all his love & care. &
forbearence, midst all her ailments and
shortfallings. We can add to this,

that she was devoted with soul & body
to the Lord, his suffering beauty had cap-
tivated her heart, to read & speak about that
subject was her greatest dilight, she was also
useful in several ways, & served with a willing
& chearful heart. Tho’ she had a very sickly
tabernacle, and was several times so ill that
no hopes was left for her recovery, yet she

was resigned to our Saviours will, and could
never express her graditute sufficenly for his
help & support both internal & external.
Of late years she was much troubled with an

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asmatick complaint, but she bore it with
great patience, & sought comfort with him
who has been her refuge in all trouble.
As she loved & was beloved it was a pleasure
to her to be in her room with the Srs as
long as she was able to go down, but about
3 weeks before her departure she was obliged to
confine herself to the sickroom. She expressed
herself on that occasion, to the following effect:
“I have now done with all things in this world
and am waiting for our Saviour to take me

to my eternal home, I am lost in wonder when
I think on his love & faithfulness, to me the
poorest among the needy, O what a blessed thing it is,
that he has given me that asurence | tho I deserv’d
hell | that he will receive me in the blessed
mantsions above, I will then greet his feet with
sinner tears & say to him; This LordJesus is
my only plea, Here is a sinner who would
fain – Thro the Lambs ransom entrance gain.
With these happy meditations she spent her time,
| tho’ she suffered much of shortness of breath | till
Aug 30th when it pleased our Saviour in a
happy & gentle manner to take her home to him
self. Aged 66 years 10 Months 15 days.

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