Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Nicholas Eberhard (1723-1770)

New York.
Memoirs of Br. Nicholas Henry Eberhard, so as He
himself penn’d them down in the Beginning of this Year,
in a probable Expectation of being soon calld home.
I was born in Copenhagen, March 20th. 1723. where my
Father was Doctor and Surgeon to a Grenadier Regiment,
and educated in the Lutheran Religion. After some Years
my Parents remov’d to Helsingoer, and my Mother having
nurs’d one of the young Princes, my Father on that Account
was preferr’d by royal Favour to an Office in the Tribute or Custom House at
OEresund. Here I was kept to a Latin School till in the
19th. Year of my Age; In 1741 I went to the University at
Copenhagen. I had felt Motions of Grace in my Heart from
my tender Infancy, and shove the longer the more earnest to
free my Self from the Connections of the World and the Stirrings
of Sin, but all in vain. But after my Return in 1743. in March
our Saviour appeard to my Heart in his suffering Form so
lively, and let me feel the Forgiveness of my Sins, and his
Love, so powerfully, that all the Bands of Sin and the World,
which had hitherto fetter’d me, were at once broke asunder,
and my Heart set in a Flame of Love towards Him. This
Change was particularly alarming to my Parents, so
that my Father, after all the Pains taken by the Eulesias-
-ticks by his Advice, to bring me to other Thoughts, had
proved fruitless, at last forbid me his House. After
the sudden Death of my Father in May 44. I took upon
me the Instruction of Children in a Gentlemans Family
in the Country, who took a particular Liking to Me, and
He and the Rector of the Parish, made me some interesting
Proposals, which brought me into Danger of being entangled,
and indeed they operated so on one, that the Love of my
Heart to our Saviour, began to be lukewarm. But the
faithful Shepherd who would not again loose lose his found
Sheep, helpd me out of this Danger, and for that Purpose
made use of a Book which by Chance fell into my Hands,
which was writ against all Manner of Swearing, and
even that which the serving an Office may require. I
thought: now I can neither be a Minister nor Schoolmaster,
nor serve any Office, as I can’t with a good Conscience take
the enjoind Oath, and by this came into great Perplexity,
not knowing what to do; I had also no Rest in my Heart,

’till I resolv’d to apply for my Dismission, which the afore
mentiond Gentleman tho’ unwillingly, yet at last granted.
I then travell’d travel’d to Copenhagen, where in Jany. 45. I sought
and obtaind Acquaintance with the Brethren, of whom, as
also of the Congregation I had heard some Time before. The
Occasion to this Proceeding was the Bidingen Collections,
by which I saw that the Brethren’s Foundation of Happiness
was the Allsufficient Atonement of Christ, and that they
among Themselves, as poor Sinners heartily loved each Other.
For as I had before heard so many strange Stories related
of the Pietists, I had resolv’d to go my Way in Stilness Stillness for
my self alone | But now I was determin’d to have Fellow
-ship with the Brethren, because my Heart was One with Them
in this Matter. In Novr. 46. I went thro’ an Examination
in Divinity, not with Intent to commence Preacher in my
Religion, for my Call to the Congregation was indisputable
to Me, but because I believed it might other Ways be of Ad-
-vantage. In the mean While my Longing for the Congregation
increased to that Degree, that I had no Rest in Copenhagen,
and therefore in April 47. resolved with 3 other Brethren to go
to Herrnhaag, where we happily arrived the 16th. of May. I

soon obtaind Leave to Stay, came the 7th. of July into
the Seminary at Lindheim, and in the Beginning of
August removed with the Seminary and Nursery to Ma-
-rienborn, and was on the 30th. of the Same received into the
Congregation. But as I reason’d too much over the then
flighty Period, and the Feeling of the poor Sinnership was
yet wanting to me, this caused that my Heart did not
rightly enjoy the Grace of Reception. In Octr. the same
Year I came to live with the Children, and the 2d. of Jany.
40. to the first Participation of the Holy Sacrament with
the Congregation, and was admitted an Acolyte. But
notwithstanding all these Blessings, the Confusion of my
Mind still continued: the being happy as a poor Sinner
was a Mystery to me, but my faithful Saviour sought
to bring me upon my original Depravity in Soul and
Body, and I would feel nothing of all This, but would only
feel happy. By this I at last got into such Anxiety
that the World seemd too narrow for me. There was no
Body that I had a Confidence to, to unbosom my Distress
to him; in the Congregation I had no Happiness, I thot.

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many 1000 Times of going away, but which way so ever
I turn’d my Thoughts, I found nothing to comfort me; yes
the Disorder of my Mind went so far, that I reasond. Is
there a God, or Saviour? perhaps all the Grace that
I have felt is only Fancy. But the Thought that our
Saviour; out of unfathomable Love, had brought me to
himself and to his Congregation, at last gaind the upper
-hand. I felt that if I were as holy as an Angel, and had
no Enjoyment of Jesu’s Blood and Wounds, I should only
be as a dry Stick. This gave my Reasoning a mighty
Shock, my Heart and Mind grew serene as a poor Sinner
I viewd the Wounds of Jesus with Delight, and began now
| after I had spent 3 long Years in this Situation of Heart |
to expect every Day from our Saviour, what would make me
and preserve me happy. In the while I had removed with the
Seminary to Barby. Here I received my Call to Pensylvania Pennsylvania
in August 57. and in Consequence of that travelled traveled with the Brethn
Bader and Rund to London, and after some Stay there, pro-
-ceeded with Br. Joseph and his Company to New York, and arriv’d
happily in Bethm. the 11th. of Decr. The Year 52 was a
blessed year to me, the happy Sinnor Sinner Point was invaluable, and

I perceivd that our Saviour had me now just in the same
Spot, where He 9 Years before, let me feel his unspeak-
-able Love the first Time. vizt. To account all but Loss in
Competition with him, and rather let all the Members go
to wreck, than that one of them should be Cause of Grief
to Him. In the same Year after Br. Brownfields De-
-cease, the Book-keeping in the Congregation was committed
to Me, and I accepted of it in childlike Confidence to our
Saviour, who also helpd me in it notwithstanding my In-
-experience and Unfitness; I had also the Grace to be
admitted into the Band of Hourly Intercessors, and Con-
-gregation and Choir Disciples. Anno 53. the 26th. of
March, I was appointed to be Steward of the Single Brs
Choir; and Anno 55 the 19 of Jany. at the Synod at Beth-
-el was ordaind Deacon of the Brethren’s Church. In Feby.
56 I went to Scatticoke according to a Call received, where
I served the little Indian Flock there according to the Grace
our Saviour gave me, 1 Year and 9 Months, and return’d
in Novr. 57 to Bethlehem. In Decr. following I came to

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Nazareth Hall as Amanuensis to Br. Joseph, and in April
50 to Litits, to oversee and direct the Building of the Choir
Houses there. In the Year 59. I felt almost a constant
Pressure, because that I had yet so little Burning of Heart
towards my incomparable Bridegroom, and because that his
precious Nearness was not so constantly felt by me. O how
oft has my Heart cried, and my Eye overflowd, for a Heart
in Him enamour’d? Anno 61. I had the Pleasure of living
with the Single Brethren in their new Choir House. And
now the Oversight of the Building of the Congregation House
was also committed to me, but I must acknowledge that
this Burden was made abundantly easy to me, as I
resignd my self entirely to the immediate Care of my
heavenly Father. At the Conservation of which on the 18th
of Septr. 63. I was appointed General Deacon and As-
-sistant to my dear Bror. Hehl, in Preaching and Keeping
Meetings; and to that End the 21st. of Feby. 64. in Bethlm.
was joind in holy Marriage with Sr. Sara van Vleck, with
whom I returnd to Litits in April the same Year. Anno
65. in June We received a Call to Oldmans Creek in the
Jersey, to the Service of the Congregation there. Here
in June 66. I was so violently seized with a Fever, that
every Body doubted of my Recovery; after I was grown
somewhat better, I was again taken ill with a Fever
and Ague, which greatly reduced my Strength, and brought
me into no small Perplexity, as I had no One to assist
in the Service of the little Flock there. In this Pressure
I turnd me unto our Saviour, and he heard my Sighs.
After We had served the Congregation there, with the
gracious Support and Blessing of our Saviour, 2
Years and 3 Months, We went to Philadelphia in
Consequence of a Call we received to the Service of
the Congregation there. But this Call was soon
revoked, so after a pleasing Stay of 2 Months in
Bethlehem We came here to Manakesy in Mary-
-Land, in Decr. the same Year; Where our Saviour
has hitherto graciously blest and guided me, and
has let me have much Joy of the Souls here.

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especially I adore in the Dust before him, with a thank-
-ful Sinner Heart, for the particular Feeling of his
precious and consolatory Nearness. So far our
deceased Brother’s own Words.
Of his last Days and Hours, his Widow has com-
-municated the following. In the Night between
the 3d. and 4th. of April, my dear Husband was seized
with a violent Fever and Pain in his Breast; notwithstanding
which on the 4th. He kept the usual Wednesday Meeting.
But the 8th. in the Night he was so weak, that I and
the Brethren and Sisters present thought, he would imme-
-diately go home. This Paroxysm lasted 4 Hours;
We at last found that He was in a Lethargy, and after
much Pains taken we brought him to himself again. He
was uncommonly feeble, and said: O could I have gone
to our Saviour! the 9th. he said to me, I have never
had in any Sickness such a homeward Feeling as in
This. And as he perceived my Tears, he lookd on Me
and said: weep not, but rejoice with me. Oh what a
Festivity would that be for Me, if our Saviour would
take me to himself! I then askd him, if he would
go and leave me? upon which he answerd: you will
once follow me; beg of our Saviour to preserve you
from unnecessary Concern, for he will care for You,
and be himself your exceeding great Reward, for all
that you have done, and still do for me. He then desired
me to bring him the Account Book of the Congregation here,
and gave me an Explanation of all the Particulars. The
10th. Br. & Sr. Powel having heard of his Illness, came to
us from Carols Mannor Manor: He sat up, and confer’d with
us about the Celebration of the Holydays Holidays, altho’ he
was in a high Fever and had a great Pain in his Breast.
As we ask’d him, if we should not send for a Doctor to
Him? he replied: I want none; our Saviour shall be
my Physician. He was childlikely resignd and pa-
-tient, so that even the visiting Strangers wonder’d at
it. Among other Things he said: that as often as he
dosed a little, he was always busy about the Sacrament.

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and could not leave off. There was a sweet Nearness of our Savr.
attended his Sickness, and therefore the Watchers and Visiters Visitors
about him had always an agreeable Feeling. When we made his Bed
to Day, and laid him in again, he said: Oh could I so sink into my
Saviours Arms! and another Time. Oh that this Time was shortend!
I would fain give a Spring, and as in Flight go to our Saviour! the
17th. his chearful cheerful Looks gave us Hope, that his Distemper was broke;
But there soon appeard evident Signs that our best Friend would
fetch his Soul home. Which he did the 18th. about 4 in the
Afternoon, with the Watch Word. “My Thoughts are not your
Thoughts.” Br. Powel imparted to him the last Blessing
in a Liturgy accompanied by a soft peaceful Sensation.
I can give him this Testimony, that He behaved towards
me as a very tender Husband, yea rather as a loving Father.
may our Saviour reward Him! The Intercourse with the
Man of Smart, was the only Object of his Heart. and espe-
-cially for a Year past, me could perceive that his Conversation
was already more in Heaven than here below. Wherefore
He often express’d his Desire to be dissolved, and to be at
home with Christ. which came to pass at the Age of
47 Years and 1 Month.