Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Millan Ratcliffe (1695-1772)


The Life of the Widow Sistr. Millan Ratcliffe of Wyke who departed Feby 18 1772.

She was Born at Birch Roads in the Parish of Ealand 1695. by the best intelligence we can get Her Father Died when she was an Infant, & her Mother soon Marrying again, she was car’d for by an aunt who brought her up in the Religion of the Establish’d Church, wth whom she also liv’d till her 20th year when she was Married to Jas Ratcliff & came to live at upper Wyke, by whom she had 8 Sons & one Daughter.

When the Gospel was first preach’d in these parts by Mr Ingham & the Brn; she with her Husband attended deligently & became concern’d fr about their Salvation & were Recd in the Society at Scoles.

Novr 13 1750 She was Reced in the Congn & went to the Comn Decr 5: 1751. & continued in the enjoyment of her priviledges in the Congn wch she esteem’d an especial Grace from our Savr. Octr 9th 1769 She became a widow when her Husband was taken happily home in her a short Sickness During her Widowhood she was very industrious to earn her own living by spinning altho for several years past was very infirm yet content in her poverty & maintain’d her Confidence to our Savr & was esteem’d a faithful honest person by those who employd her.

She has had some special manifestations of our Savrs Love, which attached her heart to Him as the Sinner’s Friend, & made the Fellowship with the Congn more precious unto her.

For this 12 Months past she has not been capable of attending the meetings at the Chapl on account of her infirmities, notwithstanding she continued her endeavours for Subsistance more than co’d: have


been well expected from her in her condition, & being belov’d by the Brn & Srs she was assisted to come thro’ without suffering want. We have frequently Visited her wth was a Refreshment to her heart, & had cause of thankfulness to find her contented in her poverty & lonelyness, the last time she shar’d of the h. Comunion She was particularly tender & thankful, yet but had no expectation of being call’d home so soon.

On the 15th instant she was taken very Ill in the night, & was expected she wod then have gone but she Reviv’d, & being ask’d how she felt & what she Thought of her self, she said, she scarce knew how she was, but she never felt so in her Life, at the Same time had a very clear & Serene look which impression continued with her till her last, & she acknowledg’d with gratitude the kindness shown to her by the Srs in the neighbourhood who attended her faithfully, whom she was glad to have with her otherwise She was most inclin’d to be alone. But as she Reviv’d again & was not confin’d to her Bed it was thought she might Recover on Monday the 17th Br Lyons Visited her, when she was up & complaind she was weak but had no apprehension she wod her time was so near, she was resign’d to our Savrs will & her Election of Grace was clear to her.

The Day of her departure she was capable of going going to her next neighbours & employ’d her self in mending her cloaths, In the Evening she desir’d a Sr to make her a little Tea wch she drank & Eat thereto with a good Relish but about 8 o’clock she alter’d suddenly & went over into her Eternal Bridegroom’s arms in a soft an easy manner having spent in this mortal Life about 77 Years.