Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Mercy Carter (1716-1771)

Occurrences in Wike Congn for the Month of Jan. 1771 The 4th Out of Wyk Plan our dear Sr Mercy Carter went to our Saviour On the 4th Jan. Of her Course thro’ this World the following is to be observed:

She was born at Greatland in Hallifax Parish: March 29th 1716, and brught up in the establishd Church. Her Parents depar ting this Life when she was very young, and they being at the same time but low in the World, she was cared for by the Town to which she belong’d. and tho’ she was in the midst of the World in her 19th and 20th Years, yet she could not be brought in the comon sinful Track thereof, partly oweing to an invisible Hand of Preservation from our Savr, and partly to Stirrings and Convictions she had in her Heart from her earliest Remembrance. This Spark, which lay in her soul from a Child, was fed and nurish’d by the Testi mony she heard of Mr Ingham and Mr Dellamot of the free grace in Jesus Blood and Death. and being very anxious and Restless for the Forgiveness of her Sins and true life out of Jesus in her Heart, she followed the Course and Track peculiar to those times, in hearing the Reaching of the Gospel; But her poor Soul never found Deliverance and Peace, till in the Year 1739, when she once heard our dear Br Beohler, during which our dear Savr manifested, himself to her, so as he sweated Bloody in the Garden of Gethsemane on her account: This not only gave her love and Peace, but life and love.

In 1746 a Society of the Brn was settled at Greetland, to which she belong’d from the Begining. In 1746 she was married to the present Widower. When the Brn removed from Newhouse, she and her Husband moved with our Br Jeremy Carter into the same in order to be nearer the Congn into which she was received at Fulneck May 12th 1759 and the following year in Sept: 3d she with her Husband enjoy’d the holy Comunion for the first time with the Congn. Their Marriage has been bless’d with 4 Childrn, 1 is already with the Lord, and 1Son and 1 Daughter are in the respective Choir Houses at Fulneck, for which she was inexpressibly thankful to our dear Lord.

she being an applied of solid Sister, and as such respected by our People, she was accordingly made use of as a Helper in a Band; and when the late Helpers Conference was settled she became a Member thereof. Our late Sister had a peculiar Talent for visiting her Sisters, and contriving to relieve the needy and those in Distress. When in the dayly Course of her House affairs, she got an impulse to visit this as the other Sister, either confined by Sickness, or whereever she felt it was necessary, she acquainted her Husband with her Intention and recommended herself to him for that Purpose; and he during her absense would Sigh to our Savr in her behalf, that his aim with her Visiting might be answered; and when in the Evening she related to him of what had occurred, they both rejoiced together that our dear Lord had heard the Sighs of the one and blessed the weak Endeavours of the other.

Whenever one of our Sisters was in external need, she used to go about among the heartiest Sisters, and pro pose to make a Collection for the Relief of such a one; in which she always succeeded, and as for her own Part in such a Case, her left hand did not know what her right Hand did.

Thro’ her very maternal and loving Way, peculiar to herself, she gain’d the affection of such Childrn who were not her own, but about her in such a manner, that they would scarcey be seperated from her; and where ever she could invent any thing to be helpful to them wether it related to internal or external Matters, in order to secure them for our Savr, she left no Stone unturned, and as a Proof that our dear Lord was with her in this Respect she has left Trails behind her new in the single Sisters House at Fulneck

the heaviest Circumstances, which she experienced during her course of grace, happened about a year and a half ago, when her eldest Son turning quite from our Savr and the Inclinations and Convictions he had in his Heart, when among the Boys, so that the Steps he then took caused her much grief and trouble. and altho’ she became comforted by our Savr upon that head, that she could leave the Issue to his merciful heart, yet her sickly Tabernacle reiceved such a Shock thereby, that we are inclined to think it rather proved a Furtherance to her Dissolution. about 4 month ago she uttered the first apprehension that she should not be here long, for she said to her Husband when coming from the married festival last Septs this will be the last married festival I shall celebrate! an old Breast complaint which was renew’d by getting repeated later and a bad State of Blood, were seemingly the Cause of her going to our Savr. about 2 Month ago she was the last time here of the h. Comunion, and tho’ exceeding weak yet very much rejoiced to be once more together with her Brn and Srs in so Solemn an Ocasion: for she was a very constant attender of all the Meetings. The nearer she drew to her End the more Childlike she became, and used to express herself thus, I want to be nothing else than my Saviours little Child! She was always much pleased and comforted when she was visited, especially by her Band Sisters: after our last Comunion Br and Sr Tander brough her her share after which she had long’d much and which she enjoy’d with great Eagerness together with her Husband. She being once asked how she was and felt in her Heart? she answered, my Heart is happy, I am my Savrs little Child, He shall so with me what he pleases! On the 4th instant Br Tander call’d there, and finding her remarkably altered, told her, that she would soon be with her Redeemer, she

answered: that’s well, I have nothing to plead but his precious Blood and Rightousness. having sung a few verses with her, and telling her that she departed, to our dearest Lord with the entire Blessing of his Church below, and she sitting by the fire side, she bowed down her Head in order to have it imparted to her; this being done, there was such a feeling of our dear Savrs Presence, that none present could refrain from shedding Tears. And tho’ there was not an immediate Appearance of her going directly, yet after having taken leave of her Childrn and those she had been like a Mother to, she laid down, and in about 4 Hours after, her happy Soul took its’ Flight into the Wounds of Jesus.