Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Mary Render (1746-1760)

Mary Render Daughter of Br John & Ann Render Born at Leeds July 22 1746 Baptz by Br Telcha at Holbeck.

She was from Her Infancy of a Quick capacity & lively disposition & off Tender intemation as to her Heart, being soon Convinced, when She Committed Errors & with Submission it with Tears wou’d own in her Schooling years it was preceived shed Early Longing in her Mind towards our Savr & his people which was pleasing to to her parrents & the Sistr with whom she went to School in the begining of the Spring last year Br Shults recommended her as a Candidate for the Great Girls Choir, And at the Celebration of their festivial in about 1760 she in Companie of 25 was added to that Choir, which was great Grace to her, when Br Latobe porpose unto the Girls when they was all assembled, in the Sists hall, that those which did intend to live in the Choir house shou’d all stand up, she readily appeard aMonge the first & from that Instant got a strong conviction in her Heart, that She was now our Saviours & must come hear to live beleiveing that her riseing was a Covenant made for that intention, resolveing from that Time to do all in her power to please & Oblige her parents in hopes of inducing them to assist on her in this dear ingagement, which as a blessed secret influenced her daily Conduct & Caused Most Eager pressing for a Near Acquaintance with the Girls & Sistr in hopes of finding out some Means to attain her wished for aim She was diligent at her Class & Choir Oppertinities. And had offt inpertuned her Mother to interceed in her behalf for leave to live aMongest the Girls in the Choir house, but all in vain but speaking to her Aunt, where she with tears, Express her great desires to Ask that favour of the Labouress, her Aunt ask’d If she’d so Much Currage she readily said Oh Yes. she first spoak her Mind to Sistr Hendrengen & then proceed into Sistr Mary, who

who presently ask what her intentions was, therein she answerd wholly to be our Savrs I have no other aim she was oder’d to bring her Mother with – who came according ly & readily Made, out for her comeing after leave was Granted. where on the 14 of Last June 1760 she injoy that wish’d for Grace, with Great delight; & to her great surprize was presently at home, little thinking to be so Notice by her Room Companions, & Cared & nurssed so kindly by the the Sistr. She settle’d soon & became Loveing & friendly unto all, at some intervals she had some Serious utterations concerning her Connection with our Savr And If she shou’d be the next which did go home, as Shed in converse, been told she was the Last which came in so prehaps Shed be the first which wou’d go out, She Solid ly replyd I hope I shall go to our Savr then a little time ago being in a frettful dissposition she Grapled, about her going to the Meeting, in such a poor Situation of mind & heart, which had great Effect upon her; & in a little space of Time, where she thought she was most privat she was heard to pray Most tenderly & with many Tears implord our Saviour to have Mercy on her & help her heart & mind, to real comfort, that she might not Grive her Sistr by her disobedient ways, but be a joy to them & his smarts reward, in her bands & Classes she was oppen hearted & testified her wants with many tears, as also concer ning her reception into the congregation this she be moand with many a sigh & feard she shou’d never injoy that Grace, the Sisters Comforted her about it, & told her she was already a Candidate & that our Savr wou’d not forget at the apointed time, about the 12 of Last Nov. she complained of voilent head Ach, the Sists in differd to devest her of it, but it increased & constantly remained And on the 17 she was oblige to take into the sick room there soon appear’d Strong Symtoms of a feaver with an acute dissorder in her Side, She was soon let blood & Many Means was use’d for her relieve, but to little Effect She was Childlike & patient as a Lamb aMidst her great afflections. And wou’d many times call out upon our Savr & tell him what a poor human Creature lay before him & then again wou’d think him for the Grace of her Election And for the Happy liveing she injoy in the dr Choir house that she many times repeated, as also how the Savr stood by her bed side And how beautifull he did appear was her most pleaseing Topic, her constant repetion, was how she Love him, & many a heart Glowd with a real feeling by this Enamour’d converse which she held, with her dearest Bride groom, with whom she Spoak as If she did him view in real nearness. About the 23 She Seamd delerious at Some intervals her parents they was sent for, who came the 24 on Seeing of her Mother she desired to kiss her & then Call out to Sistr Hendren Oh I an a poor Human Creature, & repeated more then Once she continue motionless some day & pritty still, the Labouress & Sistrs often visitid her & sung her pritty verses which, shed had some Sensation of, on the 28 her aproaching period visibly appeared, about 1/2 an hour before her departure our dr Labouress kept a Sweet Liturgy by her bed, with ablessed feeling & about noon under the blessing of her Choir our Sistr Hendrengen Sung. Open arms now take her, Viz the Soul of Christ her Sanctific, her Soul took fleight into its dearest Bridegroom in its 14 year.