Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Mary Peel (1722-1775)

Mary Peel

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I was born at Northram in the parish of Halifax
May 29 in the year 1722. My Parents, being very religious,
endeavoured to bring me up strictly in the fear of God,
they very early perceiving my natural turn to be quick, lively
and active, on that account took the greater care of me, taking
me with them constantly to the Dissenters meetings. As I at that
time did not understand their meaning, I looked upon it as being
very hardly dealt with, but afterwards saw clearly that their
intentions were only to prevent my entrance on a very loose course
of life which I might have fallen into, had not their unwearied
care & faithfulness been a great means of preserving me, together
with an invisible Hand, which I often felt While very young over
me without any knowledge of the meaning thereof for which I
shall forever remain thankful. I went on much in this way
till Mr Ingham came to these parts, to whose preaching the
greatest part of the people resorting, I went among the rest, being
thereby stirred up & often brought to reflect on my state, but with
out any lasting impression. I remember one night being very
thoughtful when going to bed. I dreamed that I was to be put to
death, at which I was very much perplexed. I entreated to be spared
while I was set to die. The earnestness I was in awoke me,
but the impression of this I never lost, & by means of the uncommon

feelings I had sometimes I thought surely there was some
thing to be enjoyed, to which I was as yet a stranger, but was
not rightly satisfied to be without it.

In the year 1742 the Brethren came into Yorkshire with a will

to settle societies, accordingly took down the names of those who constantly attended the preaching. I, therefore, was willing to have mine taken down, which was no sooner done, but I was
amazingly struck, thinking I am now however fast, but did not
repent it. I soon found it was not alone the taking down the

2names but they intended to look more particularly after each one.
Therefore they soon settled Bands to which I was admitted & getting
a great love for them, they were very much blest to me. Some of my
Companions being soon after this received into the Congregation it
Caused me many uneasy hours, as I was left. However, I thought
to try & get to them though I knew not how to set about it. When almost
despairing I often felt exceedingly encouraged and very much strengthened.
I was not allowed to go to the Congregation meetings. This drove me to the
determination to make my mind known, which I did by a letter
to the Congregation expressing my greatest desire to be embody’d with them.
My request was soon granted in the year 1745. This was an inexpressible

grace & favour to me past describing. Being then very
cheerful I thought I had then got all that could make my happiness
complete. In this way I went on for some time.
In the year 1747 the first Sisters Oeconomy was settled at Oxhaighs. I
having the favour to be one of the first, I look’d on it & accepted it with
a real thankful heart, & the blessing which I then enjoy’d will never
be forgotten by me. This happiness lasted for some time, but before I was
aware, it all vanished away and I was left as much distressed as ever,
being ready to determine to leave the Sisters & take my thing in the world.

But my Conscience would not permit me.

On this account, I often wandered to a lonely place, which I had found
quite to my mind. Then I often lamented my state without the least
hopes of being helped through, & saved at last but my best & faithful
friend notwithstanding my negligence followed me endeavouring
to bring me to the place where I at all times ought to have a remainder

at his feet. He therefore had an Opportunity to show me my state
by nature & convinced me that no self working would avail me any
thing, but he was willing to take my care on himself. I was hereby
quite overcome, by his assuring me I was his, which so worked on me
that I was determin’d to be his entirely with soul & body, and as a poor
Sinner to receive grace at his hand.

3My longing was now daily increased to become a partaker of the
Holy Sacrament, which grace was granted me in November 1747 after
which I believed simply I should yield more satisfaction to the
Congregation & my self. These thoughts brought me into a very loyal
way, but could not with my best endeavours effect what I wished for,
and having no Labouress at that time to help & encourage us,
I thought to direct myself, but not being able this way only brought
me into confusion. At last, I was convinced that even those who were
partakers of his body & blood could lay up no store without a
daily & hourly supply from the fountain from whence all good
springs. Therefore, I determined to be directed and Influenced
alone by him, who has often approved himself as my friend in need.
In the year 1748, I moved to Home Oeconomy where I liv’d a year
Chearfully & satisfied. Then there being a new Oeconomy began
at Littlemoore. I was one that was place’d there where I learned
to know more of myself and the leading of our Saviour with me
than I was sensible of before. In the year 1750 I mov’d again
to the Oeconomy at Conhouse, where I thought to live Chearfully
with the rest of my Companions.
But here I must observe
I was again disturb’d by my own Corruption, of which I thought before
I had sufficient Knowledge but found the depth of my natural
Corrupted heart was unfathomable which made me almost
conclude it was impossible for me to be helped to the end of days.
I was often encouraged by those about me to
believe I was not too bad for our Saviour but to no purpose, till I
felt it seals & made clear to my heart by my best friend. He
often took such opportunities as these to melt & bow my heart before
him anew, & thereby to make my call & diction of grace of greater
value to me. The same year the Oeconomy mov’d to Fulneck
there to reside till the Choir house which was their building,
4was finish’d, into which as soon as it was ready, I mov’d with
the first company, at the entrance of which I again renew’d
my Covenant with my dr Savr and partook of the grace
which in a particular manner prevail’d at that time.
Here as well as in all other places & during my whole life
all failings, wants & defects I was always follow’d
and often comforted by him who has always approv’d himself
as my only effectual Comforter & Savr. So he will Continue
to be to the end of my days. He has often been so visibly near
my heart as if I had seen him with my bodily eyes, yea I could
Converse with him as with an intimate friend about every
thing. In the year 1760 I had a Call to go to Bedford, as
it was thought best I went out of Obedience, at which place
I was receiv’d with so much love & heartiness as I can’t express
I have often but I reflected on it with thankfulness.
But meeting with difficulties of various sorts, the employment
for which I went there not answering the wish for end,
and having a great desire to return to Fulneck, as my
Bodily Health was also much impair’d I made my desire
Known, which after Consideration was consented to & I returned
February 16 1770.

So far Her own words.

Here she lived several years in the Sisters Oeconomy with great
faithfulness till through bodily circumstances she was obliged to retire into the Choir
House there but finding Her better She declined & obtained leave
to remove back again to The Choir House in Fulneck where she arrived Feb 16 1770