The S. Sr Mary Gladhill who happily departed this life Dec 1st 1809, has left the following few lines concerning herself. July 26th 1727.
I was born at Belly Bridge near Wyke and baptized in the Church of England from my earliest years I remember my Mother taking me to hear Mr Ingham preach, & I felt at that time, some thing of our Saviours nearness, which I however did not fully understand besides my natural inclination being after the world. In my 16th year our whole family was afflicted with a bad fever, of which we all got better accept my Mother who dyed on it, we was now left in deplorable circumstances, I being the oldest of the Children; the towns people would give me no assistance, I had learned nothing to earn a lifely, hood, and was now obliged to go from door to door to beg my Bread, I met with many Kind Benefactors
who pittied me in my distress; after sometime I went into service, from one place to another, I found it very hard & met with many troubles; having no body to tell my concern to, nor to care for me, I prayed to the Lord to help me, about this time I became aquanited with the Srs Elizth & Sarah Holdsworth, and went to live with them; they often spoke to me about our Saviour, and I felt their concern & good wishes for me, but had no inclination to attend to it. I spent several years, in a very uneasy situation of mind, during this time I heart Mr Eastwood preach on that text of the ten Virgins, which had a par ticular effect upon my heart, for it was clear to me I was in the Class of the foolish virgins, I wept before our Saviour & prayed him to have mercy upon me, & to forgive me all my sins, I felt on this occation some, thing which I can not express,
Our Saviour showed me his loving & forgiving heart, and I felt that he had suffered, bled & died for me. Being of an unsteady turn of mind I soon came into things again which was contrary to our Saviours will, an which account I spent many heavy hours but he always approved himself as my best friend, and took notice of me the poorest among the needy. Being now undetermined whether to make application to belong to the Brns Congn or to be a follower of Mr Eastwood, I prayed to our Savr to make it clear to me, which way to turn, and he convinced me the Brn where the people to whom I should belong. Upon this I made application and obtained leave to come and live in the Srs House at Gumersal, this favour was granted to me Oct 10th 1760. for which I often thank our Saviour with my whole heart Thus far her own Account.
Our late Sr was soon at home amongst us, and thankful for her Lot. Apr. 8th 1765 she was rec’d into the Congn & Apr. 26th the following year, she partook for the first time of the H. Comn. After living 10 years in Gumersal she moved in 1770 to Fulnek, into the Srs House here, where she spent the remainder of her days, & tho she in that long period, met with many trials, both internal & external, yet her simple reliance & confidence in the Lord helped her thro in every case. She often used to say: “Our Saviour and every body is very good to me I can never be thankfull enough, if I could only cleave closer to him, but he allways tells me, I am his, & He will keep me to the end. It can truly be said, Her happy lot to know our Saviour & herself and to live in the Congn was highly vallued by her. She was contendt & chearful
in poverty & thankful for every good gift imparted to her, and injoyed the the Love & good will of every one. In general she was blessed with good health, even in her old age, which also was a matter of great thankfulness to her. About two weeks before her departure she was seriously attaked with sickness & womiting, but she thought herself better again, & Nov. 25th she injoyed the H. Comn in fellowship with the Congn, finding herself still very weak & her Cough growing trouble some, she submitted on the 30th to go into the Sikroom, on Dec. 1st being asked in the morning. how she felt, she said; “Very well, I have no pain ” & do not think I am going yet to “our Saviour, but if it be his will “to take me to himself, I am not “only resigned, but shall be happy “to be with him whom I love above all.” She spent the day mostly in
a slumber and in the afternoon about Choak she was blessed for her departure which occation our Saviours presence was sensibly felt, and soon after happy soul took flight into the arms of her Redeemer, in a gentle maner, without a groan & seigh. Aged 82 years 4 Months 5 Days.