Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Mary Faucet (1748-1768)


The Course of Life of the Single Sr Mary Faucett

I was born in Wyke in the parish of Birstal in the year 1748 & Baptz by the Brn
& when I came into My Childrens years I attended the Childrens Meeting with
great pleasure, being frequently reminded by the Brn that we shou’d
pray our Savr to give us Hearts to understand what we heard & was told of Him.
This I took great notice of & used to pray my dr Savr to bless me with such a Heart
& make me such a Child as He was in this world.

I being of a Sickly Constitution brought me upon Examining myself with deep
reflections. If my Savr shou’d take me out of this world How cou’d I stand before Him not
haveing got the wedding garment about which I spok many times with My Hearts
best friend;

March 25 1760 I was received into the Great Girls Choir, on which
day I made a Covenant with my dr Savr to be Wholy His If He wou’d preserve the from
the powerful Inclinations I had of liveing according to my own sinful desires & the pleasure
of this world, my Brisk & lively turn of Mind let nothing pass unNoticed by me &
tho’ I lookd But like a Child yet I cou’d soon feel a Complacency in every thing that
Contrary to My Savrs Mind, had He not out of mercy to my poor soul moved a
longing in My Heart to live amongest the Srs in the Choirhouse to which
place if I did not come I should be forever ruin’d. This I made known to my
Labourers & in The year 62 I had the Great previlidge of liveing in the Choirhouse
Granted to me, which I injoy’d with a bowed & thankful Heart. Tho’ I was very much
dissapointed in My Expectation thinking thereby to be Secured from everything
that cou’d cause me pain of Heart or mind, but I found myself still Subject
to all my former frailties & imperfections;

being one day at my band I was closely remmind by the Srs to devote myself intirely to
our Dr Savr in Soul & body, Since I had now the favour to injoy the Great blessing
of Liveing aMongest His people, this made an abideing impression on me
& I inhaled with the tenderest Tears that My Savr would bless me & make me
to His Hearts Joy; & from this time I percived my Savr had helped me by His Grace to
injoy My Happy Lot with more satisfaction, till I begun to come upon Closer
reflection upon seeing so many of my Choir companions received into the Congreg before me, but when
I Lookd into My own Heart I felt that my self righteousness deprived me of the poor
Sinners place in His affection, this broke & melted me all to pieces & my former wretchedness
was not half so dispicable to me as myself made righteousness. Here My only Matchless
freind display’d His Sovererign power & made me a depend Creature upon His Gracious Merits
so fore as I saw My needyness at this time & it was by Much the Happiest Situations

I ever felt before in all my Life & my Heart cou’d not but with the greatest
fulness repeat frequently that verse,

Now be glory to the side repeated,
that I was to be,
a blood needy Human soul not Treated
wth Bright Angels Disteny Viz

Thus I went on for some time in bowedness before My dearest Savr & on Janr 1763 had the Grace to be received
into the Congregation & continue for some time in a Happy course, yet after all this
I came into a dry & indiffrent State of Heart till the repented Labour of the dr H Gh
made me Sinciable that my heart was yet a stranger to the bloody Grace & pardoning kiss of
dearest Bridegroom & without this I could not be as a virgin that walk in the
of His bridegrooms, The Consciousness of my deficience bore strongly on My Mind
all the oppertunites of Grace that I injoyd, & in a particuler Manner the exhortation
given in the Hall on Novbr 12 1765 in the evening came to My Heart is if only spoke
for me, wherein it was with that no one wou’d spend the following day without
receiving a full absolution from our dearest Lord & Elder. My needy Heart poured
out its floods of Tears whenever I coud Creep alone into myself & my Eyes Closed
not in rest that night, but waited with impatience for the Hour of General absolution
dureing which my bloody reconciler Laid his High priestly hands upon me &
let me feel His absolveing Grace which Humble me to a worm before Him & the reflection of
this Happy Moment was a repeated blessing to my Heart when ever I fell Levity or Lightness
overtake me, & in The following year I had the Grace to become a participant of His
Holy Corpses & Blood, which bowed me in the dust before Him & on May following
received into the Sisters Choir; Thus fare is her own dictateing.

In her Great Girls Choir, it was perceived that our Dr Savr had a peculiar work of Grace in her heart not withstanding the feeling of Her Human Missery
cuse’d Her many hours many of Great Anxitiy Hours yet The tender nursing of the Holy Ghost brought Her to be plain & open Hearted upright to Her Labourers whenever her course was uninteligable to Her & her Childlike Conduct was on every occasion to our Satisfaction. In Her Great Girls Choir it was percived that our dr Savr had a peculiar work of Grace in Her Heart. Our happily departed Sister never forgott the Grace our Savr had shewn to Her in the Grt Girls Choir & that she had in those years been shown the Missery of Her Human deprivity thro the under nursing of the H Ghost, was a matter that filld Her with the Tenderest Love & grateful accknowledg thanks to her wound freind.