V. The single Sister Mary Elisab.th Baker. She writes herself: I am born the 9th of June 1737 at Berlin, My Parent did their best to keep me out of bad Company. I often went alone to pray, but took myself soon better then other People. A.o1743 I came to the Joy of my Heart in the Children Anstalt at Hhuth. 1746 I was among the Congregation of the Children received. I loved our Saviour & was taken for a pretty good Child, but as was grown older, then I begun to feel the Corruption of my Heart. A.o49 I came in the Girls Choir & by that means in the Choir House. I was the same year received into the Congregation. A.o52I moved I came to Berlin again, where I in the Beginning
about 1 Year went on without the Connection of the Congregation. After that, I instantly desireth, they would take me in their Care again, & soon our Saviour bestowed the Grace on me to partake w.th the [?] germans there, on the holy Communion. A.o57 I was receivd in the Sgg.e Sisters Choir, now begun my Desire, to be in the Congregation again to increase. I brought it very frequently before our dear Saviour & upon my incessant Desire our Sav.r made it that my Father gave me Leave to travel to Newsalz where I 1758 arrived. The following Year I partaketh on our Lords Supper. From this Time the Inclination of my Heart [?] was: to become Jesuslike, and according to the Desire of his Heart. A.o1759 I emigrated with the whole Congregation of Neusalz hither & came in my Choir-House. By these Circumstances our Sav.r drew nearer to my Heart, & comforted me about all my Misery, so that I since very happily[?] proceedet. A.o61 I was the first time by a Choir-Communion, which had a very Influence upon my Heart. So far herself. She was a very thoughtfulBeing & took every Thing very much at Heart, But
For all that her chief Object was the Conversation w.th our dear Saviour. She became since a certain Time a consumptic Fever & by that was full of Hope soon to come to our Sav.r & this her Wish was fulfilled to her the 29th of this Months a 10 a Clock in the Morning as her Mouth grow pale under the Blessing of her Choir in the 26th Year of her Age.
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