Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Mary Delamotte (1729-1810)

Our late Sr Mary Delamotte was born Oct 19th 1729 in London and baptized in the Church of England. Her Father being a Justice of peace and a pious man gave her a good education & brought her up in the love & fear of God. But as she he failed in his external cir cimstances it was a great grief to him to see her unprovided for he recomended her to the care & protection of the Lord. After his departure both she & her Mother joined the Brns Congn & Oct 6th 1749 she was by receiption into the same added into closer con nection. May 2d 1750 she moved to Bedfort where she May 15th 1757 the first time partook of the H. Comn in Oct the same year she came to live here at Fulnek; tho' something had occurred which at that time desturbed her mind, yet she settled very well, and not being used to poverty & spinning, it was edifying to those who knew her at that time, to see her conduit and resig nation. When some years after a day School was begun here for the Children


in the Place she was appointed for that purpose, where she served with faith fulness for several years; & the Children committed to her care loved & respected her much. July 27th 1768 she was ac cepted an Acoloth. Her She spent her time amongs us in a general way happy; she placed her her confidence in our Saviour with Childlike reliance, and when she spoke of his Goodness & mercy towards her, her Eyes overflowed with tears, to attend the meeting was her hearts delight and nothing would grieve her more; then when she was not able deprived to attent of that blessing* To do good and assist others in whatever she could was her greatest pleasure. Of late years, age and infermi tie increasing, she was an Inhabitant of the Sickroom tho she was able to go about. Apr 17th 1810 the unfortuned circum stance happened, when she was left alone for about 5 minutes, her Cloths took fire, & she was much hurt. However every thing being done to help her, we were in hopes she would get over it, but it proved in vain. Her

patience under her heavy suffering & afflic tion & her heartmoving prayers which she often put up to our Saviour, was an edification to all who vi sited her; she was very grateful to those whose waited on her & watched with her; & wished no body to miss as she loved all dearly & liked to see them. June 16th her sufferings increasing much she prayed fervendly to our Saviour, soon to take her to himself; & being very desirous to receive the blessing for her departure, while she was sensible to it, this request was granted her, during on this occation our Saviour pre sense was sensibly felt, & she prayed with uplifted hands: "Dear Saviour! come soon; thy mercy is my only plea Thy stripes, thy sounds & a agony, have healed me poor worthless sinner, O take my soul to rest, come soon, come soon!" After this she lay mostly still, and the 19th it pleased our Savr to release her from all her pain & to trans late her into the mentions of bliss. Aged 81 years. 8 Months


*She also looked upon as as great blessing, that an Unkle of hers who departed this life, had left left her a Legacy, which supported her in externals, & made it comfortable in her old age