Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Martha Adkinson

Born: 18 June, 1743 at Scholes, Yorkshire
Died: 30 June, 1768 at the Sisters’ House at Littlemoor


Martha Adkinson (Reading Version)

Learn more about the life of Martha Adkinson

The Single Sister Martha Atkeson who depart’d
this Life. Thro’ the means of an apoplectic
Fitt has Left nothing in writing neither
communicated herself further Than what
can be gather by the relation of her band
& Class Sisters, She was born Scols in the
Parish of Birstol
June 18 1743, & has been in
connection with the Brns Church from her child-
hood as Her parents belong’d thereto, & it was
perceptible that she had drawing of Grace
in Her Heart when she belong’d the Gr Girls
choir. Therefore had the previledges of
all the opportunities belonging to that choir
yet she drew no particular connection nor
discovered any real concern for the prosperity
of Her Heart till about the year 60, having
been at Her Class in which she spoke of some
particular Happiness she injoy & Her Course
was very [illegible] & [illegible] thro’ her [illegible]
at that time thro’ Her years was very [illegible] &
of Life & also situation of abode made it that so
un Certain had not the approbation she Expected, therefore
she was greatly afronted, & made a resolution never
to come more amongest the Brns people, but
turn into the world & make the best she could to
her advantage, but this lasted not long for such
Strong conviction seized her that utter ruin would infect
& mislead of puting her worldly resolution into practice
she was oblig’d thro’ the Necessity of her own Heart
to declare into her parent, that she must go to his

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in the Choirhouse or she cou’d have no rest, they was
surpris’d to hear such a declaration & told her perhaps
the Choirhouse Sisters wou’d not have her, but she took
the resolution to speak with her Aunt Rose Mortimer  about it
who according to her desire communicated her intentions
to the Labourars, & in a little time she got her desire
Grant’d & Novbr 1761 she removed into came to live in the Choirhouse
& was received into the Congregation the following spring
1762 she did not seam to give any real Testimonie of
a Chereful course amongst us till the beginning of
the reading of the 12 word of our dr Savr  relative to
the general Synod, these brought her to a strict
Examination of herself seeing many of Her
choir companions go to the  Hly Commuion from time to time
& she still left behind, it was a real Tryal to her
& when the accounts belonging the general Synod
was Communicated our deceased Sister came under
a strict Examination in her own Heart & by the
occasion of the feeling which then persisted in the Cong
she thought she also stood in need of our drSavrsGracious
Absolution, this conviction seized Her more & more & obliged
her to retire into the wood, by a real drawing in Her
heart that our Savr would absolve Her there for she
had never fell before such need of Grace & pardon
what she injoy’d here with Her Souls Lover was a
comfortable & unabiding blessingto Her Heart,
Jan 30 1767 she became a participant of the holy sacramt
& on novr following, she was appointed by our Lords
directions to serve as Cook in the Oeconomie at little mor
& Her leaving the Choirhouse became a great
Tryal to Her not understanding House business Till within some month before
Her depature, haveing thro Grace got to see that
the whole perplexity was Her own Makeing

& camemore chearfull, Clear and conforted
and Like a child sung verses
when She was about Her
Buissness to Every once Etivication
on the 28 she had Her Birthday, and came
in the Choir House to Celebarate it with
the Srs, was Extraordinary chearfull
and happy for Her Election of Grace
Exprest Herself very Sinnerlike and
thankfull, Senceible of Her great unworthiness
and that she had the favour to Cleave
poor & needy to our Saviour — and
felt Herself with Soul & body devoted
to Him who hath so much forgiven Her
on the 30th she Breckfasted with
Her Srs was quite well & Extraordinary
chearfull with them, After which she
went about Her usual Buissness
had scare time to call one of the Srs
befor she was taken in an fit and soon
After had the favour to kiss those
dear hands & feet who have absolv’d
her Here, with the Blessing of Her
choir – the Sutten unexpected departure
Left the most affectingTears impression
of those present – and in the Choir she
was the first.

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M. Adkeson
in Nobr Last she was by our Lords
direction apointed to move with to Little
to serve as Cook in that occonome
she which was for some time a great Trial to Her particularly as she was not used to House Buissness to Leave
the choir House, within this few months, she
Came more Clearin Her Heart that that
it had proved a real Blessing to her
Heart and happy Scool in which she had
Learnd to know Herself, and the patience
our Dearest Saviour has shown
which she with a melted & thankfull
Heart Told Her Laboruss – she was naturally
of a Closs dispostion which made her
but thro the Grace of our Saviour she
be came openhearted and had a Tender
Conexion with Her wounded friend
this made Her much belov’d among
the Srs, it was perciv’d that she
particularly was had hold of by
within this few months

which she in a Sinnerlike band confessed with a melted
& a ThankfulHeart told Her Laboures, that now it
was all turn’d to Grace & blessing & she wou’d not
a been with but remain by Her Lot of Grace for all she world
she naturaly was of a close dissposition, but thro’ the
connection which our drSavr had brought her into with
himself she became more open Hearted, which made her
much beloved amongest her sisters,

within these few months past the became so chereful
& delight herself a midst all Her business to Sing to her
her Loved one &

on the 28 she had Her birthday & came to celebrate it
in the Choirhouse & was childishly Thankful for her
election of Grace of that she could as a poor & needy
one cleave to our dearest Savr, to whom she would
devote Soul & body Eternaly to be his for he had forgiven
Her much;

on the 30 she breakfastd with her Sisters was
Extrordnary chereful & well, & occupied herself
inmeadately in her usual Bussness, keeping &
doing what was necessary to be done, she had
scarce Time to call one of the Srs to tell them she
was not well, but was direcly in a fitt & speachless
& tho all possable means was used for her relieve
with out any Effect for she soon had the favour
to kiss those hands & feet which had absolved
her her, thus with the blessing of Her Choir
during an Effecting impression to all present
She Happly went over into Healths happy bound
in the 25 year of Her age.

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