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Sr Rennekamp has left the following Act:
I was born on the Estate Wolliss in Livonia in 1721 My father was a Colonel in the Russian sarvice & entered into his Rest in the Ukraine. Of 5 Childs that we were 2 only are still here. Before my Father departed this Life, he imparted his blessing to me & to my d Pit:[?], praying to the Lord Jesus, that he would guide us thro this Life in such a Maner, that we might see one another again with joy before The Throne of the Lamb. He commended us affectionately to our dr Mama & begged her to use the utmost Carefulness in our Education, wch she has also faithfully done. By encreasing Years I loved the World & the World loved me; but my dear Savr suffered me not to rest in this situation. I took a Resolution to be conversed & began to pray & perform Duties & passed for a Pattern among religious People. But my heart remained uneasy till I had the Favour to become acquainted with Brn & Sister of the Congr. In 1742 I married my late dr husband. He was the Angel that was to show me the Way to the Savr & to his Children. The frequent Visits of Brn & Srs were a blessing & Comforte to both of us. All my self righteousness fell to the Ground & I for myself throughout spoiled & corrupted I spread my whole heart just as it was before my Savr & also was open hearted with the Brn & Srs who always directed me straight to Jesus I wept before him & found Grace in his blood cuts. 1743 our dr Lord blessed us with an only Son Francis William; We have dedicated him to his Maker & Redeemer from the very first houer & we Trust he will bring him thro & keep him as a Reward of his Note: Smart
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May 2nd 1749 it pleased our dr Lord to take my tenderly bloved Husband to himself in a happy Manner. I thought imediately that now was the time for me to go to the Congn with my dr Son & having obtained leave – I went to Hhut in 1750 & 1751 I was receivd into the Cong & the same year becamea Partaker of the holy Comn_. The Year 1756 was a Year of Mercy & Blessing to me. My dr Savr gave me to feel my Sinfulness & Deprravite more than ever; but he also comforted me abundantly & I found in true Poverty of Spirit & in the continual Indulgence of him an estimable Grace he gave me a poor Sinner heart & I experience what the blood of his Wounds can effect upon poor wretched Sinnern & Since that time I am frequently blessing & ashamed of my fault & Wants, but I am not comfortless. In 1764 I had the pleasure to be present at the Synod in Marienborn, after wch I came here to Zeist to help among the Widows. I accepted this office with a childlike & comforted heart, tho ISaovery[?] well that I had not the various Gifts & Graces requisite to such a Charge but I trust to my dr Savr that he will also in this Respect accomplish his Thoughts of Peace over me. From my Infancy I have experienced & received nothing but Mercy & faithfulness at his hand, so that I can never thank him enough. My Insufficiency is great; but he is the desire of my heart & I wish to be useful in his Service and it is my fixed Intention to live to him & not to my self & thus he will carry me thro to the last.
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Thus far her own Words.
She found at the Entrance into her Office Circumstances which lay heavy upon her Mind & speaking of it afterwards, She said: My dr Savr knows best how many tears I have wept before him; but he has heard & comforted me richly. She soon gained the love & Confidence of her Srs & our Savr gave herWisdom to be hearty tender & Cordial or Serious & grave in Season & thus to treat each according to her Circumstances to comfort a poor weeping heart was her greatest Delight. She often wept herself with such poor Concerned Souls & declared that she often had a blessing for her own heart on such Occasions. This Character attached the hearts of all her Srs to her; She made some useful regulations in the Oeconomical affairs wch She had all upon herself till Str Suler became her Assistant. The happiness She enjoyed in the Intercourse with our Savr made recommend this as the greatest happiness to her Srs. She often said how happy should we be amongst all poverty & Weakness, if we were always in converse with our loving & Savr he alleviate all our troubles. She was very successful in removing or preventing things that might occasion pains or Differences. As often as one of her Choir went home, her heart was remarkably intent upon enjoying that blessing soon herself, & she pleased herself with conversing about the happiness, with such a departed redeemed Souls enjoys in the rest of Jesus Wounds.
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She was sickly for several Years; but continued to attend the Meetings. Just Now She kept the Classes of her Srs for the last time. More Tears were shed than Words were spoken on this occasion. After the Classes She said to a Sr What shall we say we are all Children of the Eledion. The 13 in the Night She was suddenly siezed of a Weakness, was unCommonly loving & made an affecting & cordial farewell with all her Srs. She disired to have gone home the Same Day, but She had to wait 11 Days longer. In her last days she often lift up her Cold & almost stiff hands & repeatedly called out Come o Come dr Savr & take me into thy arms. This she would repeat for hours & all who were present wept. In the last Night She was occupied with the h Com: & prayed in broken words to her Savr. The 24 in the Morning her soul went over into the fulness of Jesu with the blessing of the Cong: & her Choir in the 51 Year of her Age. Thus this blessed Handmaid of Jesus finished her Course happily so as who know her, her Memory will be blessed, loved & unforgotten.