Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

James Wyring (1687-1764)

Departed March 15th 1764
our dear Br James wyring was born at Bowlin in
of Bradford the Parish Febr 24th 1687. He was brought up
a presbyterien (his business was that of a Husbandman)
before he was Married he received a hurt frm a Cow, of which
he has been lame ever Since. In the year 1711. he Married
the present widow at Bradford, with whom he has had
3 Daughters & 2 GrandChildren who are all in our Congrn & Comunicants
he was awakend (in Yorkshire) by hearing the Brn preach
of our Savrs Death & Suffering. In 1743 he was Received in
the Brns Society at Holme his heart long’d for closer Fellow
Ship with the Brn and to be recd in the Congn of which he acquainted his Labrours often
his petition was granted him of the Year 1750 on May the 12th.
at Fullneck when he got his right & Title to be a Member
of the Brns church, for which Grace & favour he was truly
thankfull, the Congrn meetings were so weighty to him
that he would miss none, neither Distance, nor Lameness,
nor bad weather, could prevent him from coming.
Novr 29th the Same Year he became a Comunciant of the Lords
Corpse & Blood, which was an unSpeachable Grace to him,
he was very thankfull to our Savr for his Election of Grace
having advanced in Years Some Years ago he thought some
Years ago that perhaps he might soon go to our Savr he used
to say often to his Labourer when he was Spoake with to
the Holy Comunion, once more shall I have that Grace
to partake with the Congn of that highest good, he was a
loving Husband, & a tender Father to his Children

& much beloved & Respeced by all his neighbours. In the
beginning of March this present year he was seized with a fit
of the ague fit & on the 4th he became so sick that it seemed as
if he should have gone would go directly home, he sent for his daughter our Sr. Sarh Wyring from
Gumersall & Br Hauptman went to See him, but he
recoverd this Time & Resingd him self to our dear Savr
to do with him as he thought best, he grew weaker & felt
the Time approaching that our dear Savr would call him home
Br Hauptman visited him again & found him much easier, till
on March the 13th early the morning he asked for Br Hauptman
& wishd that he would come soon & long’d to see him much, about
Noon he came to See him & kept a hearty Band with him, he askd
Br Hauptman what he thought of him, who gave him for answer
that it seem’d to him as if our Savr would soon call him home
he said he believed So too, & wishd that our Savr might soon
come to take him, Br Hauptman Sung him Some Sweet
verses & told him that he now would go & keep the meeting
& then come again to him [which was just by] he said he
would be with us in the meeting in Spirit, when Br Hauptman
came back again he found him much altered & he could I Speack
no more Br Hauptman kept him then a Liturgy to his departure
& it Seem’d as if his Soul would draw away. he Imparted the
Blessing of his Choir to him, he then lay still all night till on
the 14th in the morning when he Entered in to his Eternal Rest
in the 78 Year of his dying Life.