Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Jacob Borck (Reading Version)

Born: 1721, Arendal, Norway
Died: 1791, Bedford, UK

Learn more about the life of Jacob Borck

North of England memoir of our late Brother Jacob Borck who departed at Bedford, October 24, 1791.

Our late Brother, having left no written account of his life, we can only say the following: He was born at Arendal in Norway on October 13, 1727. He lost his father when very young. The prayers and admonitions of his mother, who was a pious woman and sought to educate him in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, were a great blessing to him. As a child, and when at 14 years of age he went to Copenhagen and there become Surgeons Mate in the Danish army, having been brought up in that time of life. In 1756 he entered Into the service of the Russian army as Surgeon, and being in Russia, he was noticed by several persons of the highest rank, both on account of his engaging manners and skilfulness in his profession, especially by the Viceroy of Ukraine who greatly favoured him, and with whom he travelled through various parts of Russia. But through these connections, he was led into bad company, and sinful habits, by which means he lost those impressions of our Saviour’s grace, which he had received in his younger years when he had been solidly awakened, and obtained a view in spirit of our Saviour’s sufferings, which remained unforgotten by him. He however felt great uneasiness of mind, amidst the gaieties and pleasures of the world, which he once disclosed

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to a person of rank in Russia, acquainted with the Brethren, especially with Count Zinzendorf, who spoke to him in an encouraging manner, and whose conversation was greatly blessed to him. The above-mentioned person at the same time related to him several particulars concerning the congregation of the Brethren which created a wish in him to become more nearly acquainted with them. Accordingly, in 1739 when he quitted Russia, he resolved to pay a visit to the Congregation at Zeist, intending to go from thence to England, to enter into his Majesty’s service on board a West India ship. The first meeting he attended at Zeist was a singing meeting during which he was so overpowered with a feeling of divine grace, that it was immediately made clear to him that this was the people he belonged to, having always from his infancy had a desire to live among children of God: here he also got acquainted with Count Zinzendorf, who received him very cordially. Nevertheless, he for the present pursued his intentions of proceeding to England, where he was engaged as Surgeon on board the Monarque in which station he remained about a year, during the whole of which time the Vessel lay in the harbours. He kept up in the meantime an acquaintance with the Brethren in London. But the great wickedness and abandoned life of the Ship’s crews, to which he was witness, was so disgusting to him, that he was glad to obtain his dismission. After this, he lodged for a short time with a Brother and Sister in London and being desirous of coming into still closer connection with the congregation of the Brethren

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went in October 1760 according to their advice to Bedford where he moved into the Single Brethren’s House. Though he had it at first very hard in externals yet he never despaired but was always thankful to our Saviour for having brought him thither, and used to express himself to that effect, that he should esteem it the greatest favour to live with children of God, were he even necessitated to live on bread and water. He first engaged with the late Doctor Vowel as a partner in business, but after some time this partnership was dissolved, and then set up for himself as surgeon and apothecary. He was received in the Congregation April 20, 1761 and admitted to the holy communion September 26 in the same year. November 19th, 1766 he was married to the Single Sister Hanah Scorfield of the Choir House at Fulneck, his present widow by whom he has had one daughter, now a member of the Congregation at Bedford, He was very successful in his profession, whereby he also proved a blessing to many of his patients in their dying moments, was respected in the town and neighbourhood, and always a steady friend to the poor even to his own disadvantage. Though his warm and positive temper and disposition sometimes caused him trouble, yet his upright sincere and generous mind procured him many friends by whom he was much esteemed, the reflection on his past unfaithfulness to our Saviour’s grace, and the powerful sensations he had of his great depravity, caused him indeed many heavy hours, but amidst all this, he cleaved as a poor pardoned sinner to his redeemer

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and experienced rich comforts from him, which was more especially perceptible in the last years of his life, when he grew more cheerful and happy and resigned his constitution which was naturally strong, had been much impaired by fatigue of body and mind. About 5 years ago he got a paralytic stroke which greatly enfeebled him, since this time he suffered greatly from increasing weakness, which at last brought on a total delay of strength. His present widow, our dear Sister Borck, has shown great and unremitting tenderness in faithfully nursing him during this long period of illness. Amidst his sufferings which was very great, his patience was exemplary, and he always expressed himself thankful for the least services done him. When visited, his favourite topic was the love and forbearance of our Saviour so consistently displayed in the mercy shown to him, being plucked as a brand out of the fire. Several weeks before his departure it was evident, that he would not continue long here below, from which time forward, his mind seemed wholly disengaged from all earthly cares, and occupied in converse with our Saviour, he frequently prayed fervently to him, entreating our Saviour to strengthen him and support him in his trouble, and especially to be near him in his last hours, he once told a Brother who visited him that although he had the

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full assurance that he should go to our Saviour as an absolved sinner, yet he could not deny that he felt some dread at the thoughts of the separation of soul and body. But some days after he intimated to the same Brother, that he could now say with thanks to our Saviour that this dread had been entirely removed. A day or two before his departure, he expressed, in a very emphatical manner, his thankfulness for having brought him to his ransomed Congregation and sealed his salvation. October 24th, 1791 he was no longer able to speak, and from that time lay still in sweet expectation of that blessed moment when his redeemed soul should be translated into the mansions of bliss. This favour was granted him about nine o’clock the same evening when he departed softly and happily aged 64 years 11 days. Blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord, from henceforth, yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labour, and their works do follow them Revelation 14. 13.