Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Hannah Clark

Hannah Clark

Hannah Clark was born in Northowrm near Hallifax, Decber 1727 and in the year 43 She heard the Gospel preachd, along with her Sister, after some time our Saviour Laid hold on her heart in Such a manner, that She had a great desier to be long to the Society, but being of a bashfull deposishon, She Could not say much for her self, thinking herself not worthy of Such a Saviour but being in Coragd by her Sr She howeve took Corage and was soon received into the Socity at Hallfax by Br Horn; in ye year 48 She came to Live at Cloketon EOconemy where She Coul was some time before She cou’d rightly Settle after ter wards, She growing more acquainted with our Saviour And grew more Satisfid in the year 50. She remov’d to with the rest of the Srs to Tyrselhall, were She got a gret Longing and desier to be recived into the Congregation, which was granted to her janr ye 12. 1752: the Day after She was Recd, the Sr Askd her why She was in such a hury to go to grace hall, the day that She was Recived, She being alway usd to be one of the Last, O said she I had some thing in my mind, I thought perhaps I Shall be recievd therefore I did not Like to be to Late, I had a feeling of it but, I did not Like to tell any body of it, When the Sisters Enterd the Choir-hous She with Some others was orderd to Live in pudsey Town, which grived her very much, and She said, She Cou’d not reast till She Came to Live in the Choir-hous, July ye 15th 53 She became a Candidat for the Sacrament ye 4th of Nov. in the same year She was Confirmd, and Decber ye 6th She pertook of the holy Sacrament, for the first time; this provd with a great bless to her, from this time forward she grew much more Lively and Chearfull then ever, She had been before, once as She was going to the Meeting She fell and hurt her knee, her Father being a Dacter She went to Stay there a while, to see if she Could be Cur’d but While She was there, She was much dissatisfid and wanted to be at home again, in the Mean time the Pudsey EOconemy Came to live in the Choir-hous her Sr Going to see her, She Askd her if they was moved, She told her Yes, then said She were is my bed and the rest of my things, are they in the Choir-hous? She asnerd her

that her bed was in the sleep-hall, this rejoiced her Very much and She said I am Satisfied if I only have the faviour to be in the Hous, She Coud not be Satisfied to stay any Longer with her father but hastend to come home, and enterd her Choir house with much pleasuer; ever since She got that hurt in her knee, She has been Sickley, So that on could planly see that she was in a declining way Since that time nothing, during this her Sickness nothing has hapend to destirb her in her Couers of grace but She has gone on in a simple, and Child Manner, About Christmas 55 She got a bad Cough, and it seem’d as if it wou’d turn to a Cunsumtion, Last janry her Sr went to visit her father, She Ask her what She Shoud Say to him about her, She said I have not much for fisik at present, perhaps byenby I Shall want it more then now, She was very Still and Complaind but Little but when She by degrees grew wors, She had a mind to try if enything Could be of servis to her, She then Sent to her father but he Said it wou’d be to no perpos however She took something which gave her Eas’ for a short time, but however it was very deserna- ble, that her End drew near, this She belived herself and at first She took it very Near to heart; that She hat not Spent her time in such a tender, Connecttion with the man of Sorrows as She Could have wich’d She spoke of it to her Sister, but however, said She He: Loves me dearly, and has patiene with me; about the middle of June, She took to ye Sick-room, when She was Ask’d if She Shoud not Like to, be well again She answerd No! I will rather go to our Saviour, wile She was in the Sick-room, She went once it to the hall to the holy Sacrament, when She came home again, She was so ill that we thought She would have gone directl; but in a little time She recoverd again; when she Said I am acceding glad that I have enjoy’d it once more with the Congregation, for it is the Last time, She was exceeding Light and Chearfull, and said I Can’t Express in words, what I have enjoid by the holy Sacrament my heart is So refreachd that it has made me quit Strong, yet my Longing and desier is to go to him who has done so much for me, O I wish that that happier time may soon Come, She was thro’ her whole sickness

Exceeing patient and when Any one told her that She Lookd very ill O said she I am to be ill, but it is no matter; will bear it as well as I Can, it will soon be over then I shall be quit well,

About a Month ago her Class Sisters gave her a fair- well Love-feast at which She was very much delighted this was the Last time of her Comeing out of the Sickroom When She was spoke to for the Sacrament the Last time, She Express’d, her Longing desier for it, O Said She I would gladly have been with our Saviour before; this time it will however be the Last, I Shall now soon be with our Saviour; the fourth of this month, She pertook of the holy Sacrament, with such A longing and Eager heart, that She Cou’d Scarely wait till the time Came, when She got the bread into her hands it Cant be express’d in words, how Eger she was, as also when she took the Cup, it seemt as tho’ She thought it was the Last time that I shall enjoy it here I will now take my fill, A few day before her Departure her Cough Stop’d and She grew weaker, the Night before her departuer She keept a very hearty band with the Sister who watchd with her, and thank’d her for all that which She had don for her, She now alterd and one Coud see that her hour of Departuer Drew Nigh, She Calld out very often for our Saviour to fetch her, and not to Let her Stay to Long here, She wou’d often Stretch out her Arme as if She Catchd at something, saying O he is my dear Saviour He is my dear Saviour, O Come my dearst Lamb, Come to fetch me, take me into thy Armes, then She said to her Sr Now I am satisfied, She said with wat art thou Satisfied? She answerd with our Saviour he Lets me fell his tender heart, and how much he loves me, ten times more then I Could expect? She then feeling her Self just redy for going, She sent for Sr Dorgy, She thinking them not quick enough, Crid out pray Come soon

When thay Came they began to Sing some Verses Sutiable there to, but She however Recoverd again and Lay quit still only Desiering the Sisters to pray our Saviour that he would soon fetch, her Which happend, about half an houer past Eleven in the the forenoon, on the eleventh instant when her

Soul took flight into the Armes of her Eternal Bridegroom under those words at he End of all her Need, be her Unction wounds so red; grant her to Lean unshaken &c. will She thy thy gental Visag &c pail kiss her upon the heart, Open Armes take her,

Under which words she recived the blessing of her Choir, And she recived the last kiss with such an inexpressable feeling, and on her Countenenc was plainly to be seen the sweet impresh ion of the Last Kiss, so that al around her Could have wish for that blesst Lot