Elizh Booth I was born Sept 22 1735 at Mirfeild My parents belonged The Church of Engl, in My younger yrs I came into a Concern about My Salvation & according to my way of Thinking had it very much at heart to please the Lord in hopes that he wou’d save me, in My 6 year I had a particular Impression from a dream were I saw our Savr in My room I went to him & askd him to bless me me, he told me I must be dipt in a fountain & then I shoud be his which promise I never forgot
when The Brn came to preach at Fox rojd I went
thither with my Mother & got a Love for them
when Br Helt came to have the care of the
Children His Meeting was a great peculiarly a great blessed to
my heart & in particular when he Spoak of our
Savrs death & Suffering to purchas our Salvation
I was very much affected thereby & M & my heart
Melted into Tears, as I grew older I felt my corruption
& the great propensity I had to Sin Made me very
dark & Miserable as I thought no one was so Spoilt
& full of Evil as I felt My Self altho I had a Love
for Sin yet through disstress of mind I was fridened
from commiting of gross Sins & instead of going to our Savr as a
Sinner I fell to Self working & striving to belief
but coud attain no consolation for my Soul by it.
I often used to walk alone & pour out my concerns before
the Lord but Still preceived that my Missery increased
& felt as If I shoud be condemd & lost forever beleiving
it Impossable for our Savr to have Mercy upon such
a wretch as Me in this My Disstressd Condition
I was visited by the Sisters to them I Spoke My whole heart as well as I cou’d & beg’d them to tell me If there was Grace & Mercy for me they comforted & incouraged me Much & told me that it was our Savrs Grace that made such deep disscoveries of my Sinfulness that he Might Heal & Save Me, but I being of a reasoning turn of Mind Soon doubted of the realitie of this & woud not be comforted any other way then by our Savr Manifesting himself personably to My heart as Clearly as If I saw him with My bodily Eyes I wou’d believe my Sins forgiven.
I continued in a heavy Course for a Considerable
Time through My unbeleive of Heart not withstanding
my dearest Savr never Left me his poor Child but
followed me with unwearied patience but in
My 17 year I began to grow tired of my own attempts
to help my Self & thought If perish I will now perish
at My Savrs feet
one day when I was praying our Savr to take me as I am I had no sooner given my Self into the hands of my redeemer, but he was pleased to mani fest himself to me, & Stood So Clearly before My heart & Eyes in His wound figure so that I was quite Struck & overcome with his Beauty. here I felt the assurance of the forgiveness of all My Sins by which My great distress of heart & mind was quite removed Oh how I felt I shall never forget my heart was quite captivated by my bloody freind who was now becomed my Only Object I can never Express in words what peace & Life My poor heart injoyd for I Say of a truth when in his blood I saw him Swim a Small drop I did get, which freed him to me me to him the first time that we meet,
After This a desire arose in My heart to be receivd
into The congregation tho’ I felt My Self very unworthy
of that Grace Therefore I said nothing of it to my Labourer I Spoke Childlikely to our Savr
about it leaving it at the Same Time to his decision
being very Timerous of myself Least Least I
Shoud not prove answer & faithfull to that happy lot of Grace to our Savr, & his people
however not withstanding all my unstillness our Savr Grantd
Me that favour on nov. 13th 1752 here I gave My Self anew
to become a joy unto our Savr & his congregation in the
beginning of the year 53 I had recieved the news brought
Me, that I had leave to come into The Choirhouse & My long
wishd for desire was attaind on feb 3. And on the 13 of augt
I was receved into The Single Srs Choir on this day on this to me
Ever Memorable day I devoted myself anew in with Soul & body to My Manhood only Spouse to become a true virgin to him
in the year 53 Sept 9 I had the unspeakable Grace
to become a participant of our Savrs body & blood in
the holy Communon, This melted me like wax in
the dust befe at My Bridegooms feet Thus I went
on in a Cherefull happy Manner & in 1754
when Our dr papa & Mamagen was hear I had
the favour to be present at that so remarkable
Choir Communion what that proved to My heart
Im not able to disscribe in words, from that time on
the dr Holy Ghost begun a new school with me
wherein I became truely more &none Senciable of my
Great difference in the Choir point & that there
was Many things in Me which wanted be be deadend
& Sanctified thro The power of his Corpses & blood
my proud & hasty dissposition of mind Cause Often
caused me also great UnEaseyness of mind & deprived me
often of that Sinnerlike Connection wth My Sister
but my
faithfull Friend did never let me rest till he had brought me again unto the Sinners point & convinced me what for a poor creature I was in 1761 I was Made use of aMongest the great Girls in which I felt My Self very unfitt however not withstanding the Many Tryals which I meet it proved a blessed School in which our Savr shewd the many things which in regard to my Self I had Still been Ignorant oft this Made me often weep before my Only Matchless heart on account of My great poverty, but his precious nearness comfortd & helpd me thro’ from Time to time & I can never be thankfull Enough to My dearest Savr for the Manifold Grace & blessing that I have injoy in My Choir dureing My Last 10 years for of my Aboading with the Sisters for which I will Kiss his Thro’ bored feet Millions of roses when I come to when I come to him, Im at present in the Sickroom where I Spend my time in a tender Longing after My dearest Bridegrooom, & can assure My Srs that there is Nothing between Me & My beloved I am quite Cherefull & Satisfied in heart & mind & longd to go to our Savr as a poor pardond Sinner who has nothing to bring before him but his bloody right ousness so faire her own words This Our Sistr haveing been Subject to a affecktic dissorder for Several years past She in 63 Spring got a pain in her side attended wth a Sore Cough wch occassiond her to Think she shoud not be long that she woud not have Many years to Spend hear but did not Seam to be so quite Clear about her going home at this Time & accordingly Grew bettr again but Still retaind a deep impression in her Mind that
She Shoud go the following year about the Same Time & thought of it wth a great deal of pleasure & often Spoak in a feeling & tender manner of the blessd work of the dr Holy Ghost in her Heart, According to the Grace which our Savr had imparted to her she was intrusted She was Made Use of aMonge the grt Girls as there band keeper & helper in their room, in which She Acted with a willen & faithfull heart, as to her natural disspostion it often Caused her much pain & unEasyness not withstand all this her Connection with our Savr was Evident to all about her, in Jan Last she got a relaps of her former dissorder & when Adviced to use some Means from the doctr She Complyd out of Obedience but fully believed she shou’d go home this time, in febr she who added to the Company of preists, & being Spoak wth to that purpose She Answerd in a Sinnerlike manner I feel very Much ashamed of this favour but I am Glad & thankfull to My dr Savr & likewise to my Brn & Srs for it’s tho’ I am Sure I Shall not be Able to injoy the Meetings attend any of those meeting with them yet I will Speak with My hearts best freind at those times as well as I can, The 17 of Mar. She betook herself to the Sickroom, when She cou’d not Enough Express her ardent
desire of being soon with our dr Savr in Ap she had a Cherefull Lovefeast wth her Class Sistrs whereby She Express how happy & Satisfied she fell at this time to what She had been a year ago, as now Our Savr was become her darling Object her days & hours & Moments was become a perpetual Sabath to her so that If her time had become Longer then On the 20 ??? She partook once more of her Lords Corpses & blood as a balsom to her Love Sick Soul which took it flight the following day into its & Thus she spent her Moments in tender wanting for the Last kiss from her bridegroom Lips which she received the 21 of Ap On being the Great Sabboth when She was call’d home by our Dr Lord to rest for Ever within his wounds, dureing a Sweet Liturgy with the blessing of her Choir haveing Spent 29 years & 7 months in this dieing Life departed Ap 21. 1764