Departed Jan 2d 1761.
Christ. Oxley, was born at the Son of our Br & Sr Wm Oxley in the North of Irel.
was born at Scoales Sept 28th 1752. He came into the Childns Oeconomy here
May the 6th 1755, when he could scarcely speak a word. He was a
pretty agreeable Child, but of a very tender and weakly Constitution
so that when he got the least cold, it immediately affected his
breast, and had often a bad Cough attending it. In this weakly
disposition he remained till he was 5 Years old, however he spent
his time among his companions in a Childlike and pretty maner.
As he was in those Years a little bashfull when speaking with
the Brn about his heart, we did not rightly know how he stood
in this respect, but wished often that he might get a more lively
feeling of our Saviour. Thus he continued till in 1759.
when a thorough Alteration was wrought in him. He began
to be more lively, brisker and chearfull, he had also learn’d
to read, so that he got a liking to learn Verses both German
and English, and in his Schools made a pretty progress.
In short he became quite another Boy as well with respect
to his heart as to his whole behaviour, he lost by degrees his
reservedness, so that he became free and Openhearted ness in
his Class, or when he at any time was spoken with by the Brn.
This made him at the same time so active, that his Brn
could make use of him in some small Matters, (he being
the oldest in the Room), wherein he shewed great faithfulness;
and would have been in time an exact and faithful Ser
vant. He was beloved by all and every Br rejoiced at seeing
the happy change in him. In the spring of the Year 1760
he lost his hearing to such a degree, that he could not hear
what was spoken in a common way, but recover’d again
in a few Weeks, and went on in a pretty lively course till
in November, when he became deaf again and was rather
worse than before. In the middle of Decr he was seized
with a bad Cold, together with the greatest part of the other
Childn, but he went on in his usual course, kept to all
his Schools till Christmass, and learn’d a good Many of
the choicest Verses about our Saviours Birth. At Christmass
Nightwatch he was very happy, and extremely pleased with
their little Waxtapers, and thank’d our Saviour for blessing
them with his sweet nearness. On Christmass Morning
he was very much rejoiced on account of the little Christ
mass Decoration, which they had made in their Room,
and said that he lov’d our Saviour in the Manger above
all things, and joined with the other Boys in singing many
agreeable Verses in those happy Days. On the 27th He
got a bad Hoarseness that he could hardly speak or whis
per any thing; we applied to the Doctor, who gave him some
Physic, but no alteration was perceived. At seeing him grow
ing weaker on the 31st we determined to keep him Night &
Day in the Room and watch with him, tho’ this seemed
also a little hard to him, for when the Childn were going in
the Hall to conclude the old Year he could not without Tears
stay away. At night the Doctor gave him some Medicines
which had a good effect and gave us hopes of his recovery, but
on New Years day he was however no better, sometimes he
kept to his Bed and sometimes he walked about in the
Room, at Night he was removed into the Sick Room and some hours after got such a violent Fit, that
we thought his Dissolution was near at hand, but he recover
ver’d so visibly at that Night that in the next Morning his sickness
seemed to take a turn, but towards Noon his sickness return’d
again, and much Pain, which moved the Hearts of the Brn
who stood about him he was no more sensible of any thing
that occurred about him, in the meantime he endured much pain,
which moved the hearts of the Brn who stood about him, but a
very agreeable feeling attended it, that one could not took at him with
out loving and pitying him. In this manner he continued till between
6 and 7 o’Clock at Night, when a quarter before 7 his Mouth grew pale
and his Soul took flight into his Bridegrooms Bosom with the blessing
of the whole Oeconomy and during a happy Liturgy of those Brn about
his Bed, who could not forbear shedding some Tears by the precious nearness
of the Childrens Friend.
He spent in this dying Life 8 Years 3 Months & 5 Days