Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Charles von Larisch

Born: 1711, Gradenicz near Cosel, Upper Silesia
Died: 1754, Lindsey House, London

Learn more about the life of Charles von Larisch

Reading version

Lindsey House Novr 1st 1754.

After the remains of our dear Br Larish were interr’d, the Brn & Srs
(among whom where many from London) met in the Family Hall
in Lindsey House and then was Sung that Hymn: O Head so full of
Bruises & After which the Disciple spoke in English as follows.

I have but a few words to say on this Occasion, the Liturgy of to
Day belongs to the Evening when our Saviour went from us, the pre
sent Day has besides that, the particular character of all Saints, & that
gives me a handle to speak something of the Saints, & of the nature of a Saint.
‘Tis a name quite common in the Bible, and if we hear of a good Man
who left the World 2, or 300 Years ago, then we have not much against
his appearing in that Character, and are not shock’d by it,
but the Ideas we have form’d to ourselves of a Saint are such, that
in the Romish Church itself no body can be called so, till 1000
Years after his Departure. The reason is because one fears,
if any one should remain who had seen that Man or
Woman he would Controul his Sanctity, he would
say something that would lesson his Opinion of his Wor-
thiness. I am sure one is greatly mistaken in this Respect,
but as we are calld to promote the Sinnership we
are not so Curious to receive that Name, Saint, we
care not if that Charactor should be heard of no more
but for all that I would not have it, that we shou’d
loose the meaning of the Thing together with the name
Title & Charactor, & should we prove careless in that point
I Fear we should be deprived of a great Charactor in the Gos-
pel Train. A Saint in my Opinion is a Christian,
who thinks very little, who perhaps may be oblig’d to think

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think of many things on Account of his Business & of his
Office, but when I say he thinks not much, I mean that he
does not care to think much, according to the Inclination
of his Heart. You will scarcely find a Saint among the great
Men, the Rich & learn’d Men, perhaps not among the Gen
try, or what one calls an easy Person in this World, the rea
son is, because all such charge themselves with too ma
ny Superfluities, while the necessary condition of becoming
a Saint, is not to have a great Store of Idle & unnecessa
ry things about him. Simplicity & plainness is the Distin
guishing, mark of a Saint. I confess that if a Person
of that Character, happens to want Education & of
Course what one calls all manner of required Qualities
hath absolutely not so much notion of the World, as
to deal in an ordinary Way, in a regular Way, then the
Sanctity of such a Man, may not comand that Honour
that Awe, that Reverence which is due to it as long as he
lives, & it Seems therefore, that I should be afraid to tell
you now by way of Discourse, what I have already Sung
of my BrLarish, whom I always thought a Saint &
I beleive there are 100 in the Cattalouge on Dypticks of old,
who were by far not his paramounts, not like him, nor so
much of a Saint as He. He was a Person void of all
manner of Education, he had been neglected in all the
Necessary things of this Life, & after having found the
Secret, to make himself to be forgotten in this World, after having

having placed himself behind the Congregation at Hhuth, in
order to lead a Simple Civil Life, & absolutely not regard
ed by any one, which he contriv’d so out of a true Humility,
for He was a Lord, & had then many Subjects, & a great
Territory of his own. When he was in that Situation
he came hither, and met with one of the most Difficult
Tasks which can be imagin’d, nevertheless he atcheiv’d & per
formd it with such surprising Simplicity & wisdom, that
I cant help owning once more, that I should have been
embarrass’d in the highest degree to do the like: And I must add
that if after my Decease one would compare me to that great
Man, & my Conduct to his many Personal Circumstances, as
well as real Intricacies, which would be too long to relate
here (the Saviour knows them, & part of us are not Ignorant
thereof,) it would be mere Courtesey. Br.Larish fullfill’d
his Task with Honour, & has not left one leaf of his Book
unfinish’d. His end was like to that of all truly great Men, a
little while before he had not the least thought of going home
he was Sick, & a very long time knew his case almost incurable
but drew no Consequence from it for in approaching Dissolution.
When he was acquainted of the Turn his Sickness had taken
& of the approaching Dissolution, ’twas very well, ’twas
all the same to him. Those Days passed away in the same
Strain as the foregoing. He treated that awful matter as simple
Natural & unconcerndly fill the last gasp as usual, that
none of the Heroes of this world, nore of the great Geniuses
needed to be asham’d of the same Exit, Considering the thing in itself

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itself & without that difference, which makes his case so
much happier than theirs, as for that, He will never
change his Exit for that of any Hero of this World, of
any great man or Philosopher whatsoever that is quite
out of Question, all I have to say on that part is,
that he departed this Life like a Hero.

Every one enabled from above to see the hidden Side
of things, their real Charactor to extricate the real
point out of appearances, will never Contradict my opinion,
about his abode here, having been like his Departure
I wishwith all my Heart, that so many brave Brn & Srs
so many wise ones so many well Educated, so many truly
learned ones. And which is the best of all so many of our
Sinnerlike good People may obtain.

His Natural & Simple Charactor that they who
had not the good fortune to have known him personally
may be encouraged thereto by his pretty End.

What I have said is only Introductory to that little
Hymn which I have Compos’d on his Account & which
perhaps will be Translated.

Next follows some Account of his Life & Departure
Our dear Br Charles Henry Conrad von Larish, was born
Sept 22nd 1711 in Gradenwiz near Cosel in upper Silesia. He
was descended from the Ancient Famous Family of the Courts
& Lords of Larish, also of the Lineage of great Nimsdorff
one of whom, in the Service of our Savr is already a grain of what

Wheat in Surinam. He inherited from his parents the Lord-
ships of Shossloehiz Lomniz Zonade & Rodewiz. In his
tender Youth he became acquainted with Abbot Steinmez & o-
ther Servants of God, by means of the well known great Just
ness awakening, & he was concern’d about his Salvation very
much, this continued for some time, & on this account he staid a-
while in NeustadMandel with Abbot Steinmetz, was at Werningrode
Halle & other Places, where he thought perhaps he might get a
Blessingfor his Heart. Since 1731 he has been acquainted
with the Brn as well in Jena as in other Places & came
from time to time to Visit the Congn in Hhuth, where the
Savr came ever nearer to his Heart. He found no true rest
from all his good Performance, nor was delivered from his An
xiety till he resolv’d in the Year 1739 to become the intire
Reward of the Smart of Jesus, at the same time he got
a Conviction to let every thing be as it was, & to betake him-
self to the Congn to stay there; accordingly he did so, with
a true Blessingfor his Heart, & he had at that time true-
ly blessed times for his Heart with the Single Brn assist-
ed also quite faithfully in Building their Choir House
there. He was also soon received into the Congn & partook
of the Corps & Blood of Jesus in the Sacrament with
the Congn.

In May 1742, He came over to Engl. were he staid for some
time especially in Yorkshire & was edifying to the Congn in his
Servants office in the Hall which he perform’d very faith- fully

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faithfully & with his whole Heartfrom thence he returned in com-
pany with the Dr Disciple & Mother to Holland & so on to
M-born & was there May 15th 1743. Married to our Sr Diana
after his marriage her his Wife were 1st Deacons in
Engl & conducted it with true Simplicity & many Bles-
sings afterwards he made Several Journeys to Hhuth &
Hhaag, in this Year also he visited his Lordships & found him-
self not only not in a Capacity to execute what he had in-
tended, but found also such an Entanglement in his worldly
Affairs, that he thought it best to sell his Estates, to pay
he Debts, & to give the rest to the Diaconate of the Unity
which at that time was much streighten’d, for wch in the
Year 1740 the New House calld Lichtenburg was made over to
him & fitted up, but because his comfort did not like to tarry
at Hhaag, he went with her first to Zeyst & in the last
Year again to Engl; & enjoyed by his abode in each Place of
those Congns much Grace & Blessingsfor his Heart, & all
the Brn & Srslov’d him, he had a longer attachment & faithful
Heartfull of love to our Savr & his Congn & amidst the va-
rious Circumstances wch his weak constitution mostly occasi-
ond. He was never put off from his point, but his Heart al-
wayslong’d after him, whom he can now see bodily & kiss his

The latter Years of his mortal Life he was very Sickly & had
many disorders in his Body, but especially since the Winter
53 yet as long as it was possible he came to the Opportunities
in the Disciples House very diligently & with great Chearfull-ness

=ness. According to the Nature of His Disease and frequent casaul
ties of all sorts He thought nothing at first of going home, till just
after his Birthday this year when the Watchword was untill the
glance extend throughout & then he came upon it very happily
himself, and he was heard to say when by by himself, to our
Saviour: My Dear Saviour be thou my all in all & round a-
bout me, I am indeed weak, but thou knowest well how to make
it better, and he said: I am indeed spent or very weak, but I
shall soon go into the Regions of health. Another time, when
he was in great pain he comforted himself with the sufferings
of our Saviour, & rejoiced at the sweet hour of his release, &
only wish’d that our Saviour wo’d take him to himself in
sleep. As he pressd very much to have all his Temporal affairs
concerning him and his regulated while he was here, therefore
the Synodal Conclusion of 1753, was thro’ the interposition
of the Disciples House but a few days before his end in
the name of our God brought into the form customary
here, and tho’ all the necessary forms are yet wanting from both
the Married parties, yet the Deed is delivered to the satisfac-
tion of all sides. Oct 26 He got a new disorder & said: that now
he was ready to waite for the last kiss, when the Brn at his
desire sung him some verses he rejoyced and said O that
has strengthned me, & so continued in continual thought
of going home till the 28 of Octor when he said: to this Ser-
vant BrorSummerskill, this Ev’ning or Tomorrow
morning the expected hour will come & often asked, is it not yet
time he sent also 2 or 3 times in the night for BrJohanto

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mupon the Heart, he said; o yes, and to that Verse and
when thy Mouth expiring &c. He said even to Day.

Oct 29th Towards Morning he took leave of his Wife and said:
My dear I kiss thee on thy Heart, here I have been thy Hus
band and thy Heart, we was both one Body but now no
more, I an going to our dear Saviour and shall expect
thee with my Bridegroom with Joy: Afterwards he
said to BrSummerskill and his Wife, my dear Children for
give me every thing and I thank you for all the Love and
faithfulness that you shew’d me here and the Brn will think
on you for it, thereupon he said to his Maid (who is no
Sister) adue I thank you also for all you have done for me, I
wish you well in the World, about Six o’Clock in the
Morning he desiredBrotherJohns to be called
again, because he was very weak but re-
cover’d himself as soon as he saw him wch
he did several times before; The rest of the
Time he was mostly as if he was a-
sleep, & had thereby sometimes such an
extraordinary lovely & smiling look
that the eyes of the Brethren & Sisters
round about him overflowed. Hutton
said once, such a look is worth more than

than 100 Guineas, at last he awoke, rais’d
himself and said to BrotherJohannes
now Bless me, & then he took his hand &
laid it himself upon his forehead, &
so JohannesBlessed him with that
Verse: & let his Mouth expiring on
thy dear Breast recline &c. to
which our dear happyheart said yes
powerfully: Ater the Blessing
he look’d about once more, when
he saw Bror.Johannes, Watterville
Hutton & others standing round
him, he threw them a kiss, & said:
Fare you well Adue sweetly the holy Ghost has
impress’d upon all upon my heart
thy committed to him many Sa-
lutations & kisses to the Saviour and the

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the Church above made perfect
& perticularly our dear Blessed
Christle, and he promissd it
with a plain Yes. His last
Words were: We all live unto
him & then he shut his eyes
again and slept & so accord-
ing to his wish his Spirit was
kiss’d away in Sleep & the Brn
& Sisters round him sung him quite into
his rest. His Tabernacle displayed
a very happy look with which
the Brethren & Sisters present
in Sarons hall delighted them-

Made by the dear Disciple on BrL. Departure Thou venerable Child of GraceGo in thy white and Blood wash’d DressTo live there henceforth without Sinwhere many a Soul ‘fore thee hath been :/:2.nd on all Saints Day thy Corpse is laidIn God’s green pretty Sharon’s BedWhere it shall sweetlyrest, till HeThinks fit to Change it Gloriously :/:3.rd from the Disciples House there areAlready Sevral Grains Sown there, Marigens and her little ones* Kleists, Millers, & Golds Little Sonsand Christels Bones Or * Kleists, Millers, Gold’s Child’s mortal Bones and my own son’ That Corpse is now laid in the Grave to On whose account no doubt we have,But he who did inhabit itWill fetch it Back when quite made fit :/ Now thou that Body’s noble GuestWho us so edified hastBecause thy Farewell was like thatwhich we of Fredrick Whilhelm GreatCommemorate

Or *Kleists, Millers, Gold’s Child’s mortal Bonesand my own Son’s

Page 6 Thou wert presentis AnimiEv’n in thy Farewell AgonySome Days thou’st ready for AdieuSo that thy our Friend & Mother tootheir Pleasure I saw it when that Angel dearWho waited on our Larish hereWent to his Brn. He did sayBeloved only think I pray :/ I thought I waited on a SheepWhich happen’d on his Path to keepBut in its Exit turn’d at lengthTo Heroism that little Strength :/ This last Act finds so much ApplauseThat Ev’n a Christle hath no causeTo blush at it, when Ludwig shallSo clear and chearful leave his CallO very Should one ask seriously: How so? What is it that makes Larish goSo nobly, & afford a Sightof which God’s House hold wthDelightSaith. That is right? I answer Larish may be stil’dIn all Respects a simple ChildA Child, as Scripture teaches usIs otherwise Synonimouswith Genius.

12.thSwift’s Wit did end in LunacyA Clark doth loose his Forced EspritEv’n Newton turns a SimpletonBut Larish, when ripe to be gonea Thou Partner of this Man, attendAnd ponder well his happy EndLet thyself in Child’s Mould be castTo shall you be right nobly grac’dand shine at All ye who’re Saints because the LambDid take upon him your Sins ShameSalute him ye who’re gone to ChristYou here; turn Children be advis’dand so Baptiz’d

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