Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Category: Single Sisters

Moravian Archives, Fulneck, UK

  • Mary Delamotte (1729-1810)

    Our late Sr Mary Delamotte was born Oct 19th 1729 in London and baptized in the Church of England. Her Father being a Justice of peace and a pious man gave her a good education & brought her up in the love & fear of God. But as she he failed in his external cir…

  • Mary Whitehead (1737-1769)

    The course of Life of the SS Mary Whithead I was born in streedside in the parish of Tong, May 10th 1737. My parents being presbns I was Baptz & Educated the same religion, my father departed This Life when I was 7 year old & Left my dear mother with 7 Children to struggle…

  • Sarah Whitehead (1732-1759)

    Sarah Whitehead born at Streal in the parish of Tong March 20 1732 her parents being presbtr she was Educated in that way, till in the 17 year of her age, she went to live with her uncle at Halifax, and as she was one day standing at the door Brothr. Helt road by, she…

  • Ann Willoughby (1722-1755)

    (original version) Ann Willoughby was born at Robert Town, in the Parish of Birstall, January the 21st 1722. About the year 1739 she was stirred up by reading a Penny Pamphlet, and from that time grew so uneasy concerning her salvation, that it greatly affected her body, which her mother, & others of her relations…

  • Ann Willoughby (1722-1755)

    Reading version Ann Willoughby, Was born at Robert Town, In the Parish of Birstal Janry ye 21st 1722 about the year 1739 She was Stir'd up by reading a Penny Pamphlet, and from that time Grew so Uneasy, Concerning her Salvation, that it greatly Affected her Body, Which her Mother, & others of her Relations…

  • Hannah Westerman (1716-1761)

    Hannah Westerman born at Oset near Dewsbury June 13th 1716. I had from my Infancy a particular concern about my Salvation & about my 12 I felt strong convictions upon me & was particularly affected and as the preaching of the parish Minister Concerning the wickedness & Sinfullness of the human race, on the same…