Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Category: Single Sisters

Moravian Archives, Fulneck, UK

  • Martha Watson (1743-1810)

    The S Sr Martha Watson who departed this life June 21st 1810. was born July, 11. the 1743 in Pudsey & bap. in Presbitirian Church. As a Child she came often errands to Fulnek & used to say she would like to live here, but her Father being not inclined towards the Brns Congn she…

  • Martha Walker (1725-1791?)

    Martha Walker Some particulars of the life of the late Sing. Sisr Martha Walker, written by herself. I was Born Decr 12th. 1725 at Cheadly Home in ye Parish of Stockport Chesher and Bap’d in ye Church of England, but brought up a Presbn to which religion persuasion my Mother belong’d as I don’t remember…

  • Sally Holt (1727-1753)

    Sally Hoult was born at Bramell in the Parish of Stockport in Cheshire on the 25 Day of Feb: 1727 where she Liv’d till about 1743, when she being stirr’d up in her Heart by the Holy ghost to seek after the Salvation of her soul and sometime after hearing the Testimony of the Brn;…

  • Henrietta von Hayn (1724-1782)

    Memoirs of our much beloved late Sister Henriette Mary Louise V. Hayn; who on the 27th of Aug: 1782 at Herrnhut entered into the Joy of her Lord. She left the following Account concerning herself, Louisel that poor Sinner would rather lie weeping at the feet of Jesus, then say anything touching her Pilgrimage here…

  • Sarah Metcalf (1708-?)

    The Course of life of the Single Sister Sarah Metcalf I was born at Southowram febr. 16 1708 & Baptzd in the Church of England, & many drawings of Grace was perceptable to me in my Childrens years which I made use of by in the dutys of the Church in hopes of pleasing God,…

  • Mary Oates (1747-1812)

    Mary Oates 1 Sr Mary Oates dictated the following Ap 8th 1812 Thy blood, thy blood the deed hath wrought ye I was born June 26th 1747 in Great Horton, in the Parish of Bradford. My father being one of the first Brn there he was called home to our Saviour when I was only…