Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Category: Single Sisters

Moravian Archives, Fulneck, UK

  • Mary Gledhill (1727-1809)

    The S. Sr Mary Gladhill who happily departed this life Dec 1st 1809, has left the following few lines concerning herself. July 26th 1727. I was born at Belly Bridge near Wyke and baptized in the Church of England from my earliest years I remember my Mother taking me to hear Mr Ingham preach, &…

  • Suzanne Peel (1729-

    Susannah Peel at Claketon in Barstel ParishOctber ye 17th 1729When She was very Young She was Left with outFarther & Mother, and by that meens wasLeft to the Care of her Relations Among whomShe has Lived ever Since till She began to hearthe Brer, in ye Year, 49, when She occording to herEarnest desier was…

  • Mary Wood (1729-1763)

    I was Born in Gloslop Parish near Hayfeld in Darbisher Aprell ye 6 1729 My Parints being Church pepell & endevered to being us up for the Lord and endeverd to keep us from worly Company as far as they Could, My Mother ust often tell us of our Sav, at the time when I…

  • Grace Wilson (1737-1762)

    Grace Willsons was born Ap: 1 1737 at Wortley in the parish of Leeds. My parents belong’d the church of Eng: but frequenting the Brns Meetings, they took us Children very much often with them, My Mother would often Speak with me concerning how I might love Our Savr but I had no understanding of…

  • Hannah Wilkinson (1755-1810)

    The S. Sr Hannah Wilkinson wasborn in Gadley near Hallifax Feb. 22d1755, and baptized in the Churchof England. As an infant she movedwith her Parents to Huddersfield.She often ralated with pleasure, thatwhen she was but a young Childher Mother used to take her toChurch to hear Mr Veen, an awakeend Minister, which often proveda great…

  • Susanna Watson (1751-1776)

    1 The Life of the Single Sistr Susanh Watson, who went to our Savr, July 31st in the Choir House at Fulneck. Concerning which the following is Her own account. I was born June 25th 1751 at Little Gumersall in the Parish of Birstal, Yorkshire, and Baptizd by the Brn. In my 6th year my…