A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations
Moravian Archives, Fulneck, UK
Abigail Bentley 1 The course of Life of Abigal Bently I was born at Wike in the Parish of Barstel April ye 23d 1722 my Parrents was of the Church of England and brought me up in the same, as far as I can remember my first thought of being saved was thro’ hereing my…
Sarah Cennick 1 The Life of the S. Sr Sarah Cennick who went happily home Jany 24th 1770 I was born June the 12th old Style 1712 in Reading Berks. wass baptiz’d in the Church of England and brought up in that Comunion. The first thing I remember is the simple and happy intercourse…
Born: 9 August, 1727 at BerthelsdorfDied: 20 February, 1803 at Fulneck Original version Ful/SS/8 Our dear happily departed sister Anna Rosina Anderson, has left the following account of herself: I was born the 9th of Aug 1727 at Berthelsdorf. My Parents belonging to the Cong endeavoured to bring me up in the same connection with…