A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations
The Course of with of the S. Sister Mary Taylor who Departed to our Savior at Fulnec Febr 21 1790 I was Born at Moberly in the County of Cheshire July 11th 1745 and Baptized in the Church of England. In my Childrens Years I felt some dawnings of Grace in my heart, but did…
Our Dear Sisr Ann Taylor was Born in Clagheaton May ye 8th 1731in Burstol parich, was Baptis’d & educated a pressbeterian herFather dieing when she was only Seven years old, & her Motherbeing in low circumstances & uncapable of taking proper careof her, her unkle & Aunt took to her, & soon after her Motherdieing…
1 The S. Sr Sus. Shmith who departed this life Dec 19th 1814 has left the following short account concern ing herself: I was born at Morton Bank, in the parish of Bingley Jan. 6th 1746. Two days after my birth my Mother departed this life and I was put to my Grandmother to be…
Mary Rogers. July 23. 1752 I was born at Pudsey in the parish of Calverly Yorkshire, and baptizedby the Brethren. In my childrens years my parents took me to the meetingsat Fulneck, and I remember our Dear Saviours drawings of love in my heartAnd the brethrens care over me, but I was of a wilde…
Brief Notices concerning the life and happy departure from this world into eternity of the Sgle Sr Marianne Spence who fell asleep in Jesus on Monday Morning. June the 18th 1866 at Fulneck. Our late Sister was born on October the 10th 1844 at the Mission Station of Bethabara in the Island of Jamaica where…
The S. Sr Rachel Roebuck was born in Huddersfield Feb. 14th 1735. She came to live in Fulneck Oct: 14 1760, the following year she was recd into the Congn and Jan. 11. 1767 she partook for the first time of the H. Comn. The most of her time amongs us, she spent in serving…