Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Category: Moravian Archives, Fulneck, UK

  • Robert Liley (1697-1772)

    Robert Liley (Original Version) 1   Our Br Robert Lilley was born in the Month of Octr.1697 at High Town in the Parish of Berstal and waseducated in the established church. His Parents beingpoor, he was put out Apprentice very young, and sufferedduring that time a deal of Hardship. Having learnedthe Clothiers Bussiness and being…

  • John Hugh (1741-1772)

    John Hugh 1 John Hugh who Departed May 22d 1772 has dictated the following concerning his Life I was born at Frestrup in the Parish of Pembrokshire Febr 6th 1741, & lived with my Parents till I was 7 years of Age; about this time Br Cennick came into this Country & Preached the Gospel,…

  • Sarah Horsfall (1697-1765)

    Sarah Horsfall 1 The married Sr Sar: Horsefall was born at Barnsley Decr: 5th 1697. Her Parents being religious Members of the Church of England brot her up in the same way, and when her Father was about to depart this Life, which happened when the deceased Sr was 7 Years old, he desired that…

  • Joseph Haley (1727-1772)

    Original version Joseph Haley 1The life of Joseph Haley who has left the following in writing I was born at Little Town in the Parish ofBirstall in Yorkshire June 25th 1727.   My Parents were very poor & belonged to the Church of England, but before I was 11 years old, I wasbound apprentice for…

  • Elizabeth Clark (1717-1768)

    Elizabeth Clark I was born in Holbeck in the parish of Leeds in the year of our Lord 1717 May ye 18 of very dear & tender parrents who were prebytouryons but I was baptiz’d by a Minister of the Church of England on account of their thinking of my soon departing this life Else…

  • Martha Calvert (1743-1816)

    Ful/SS/45 Martha Calvert The single Sr Martha Calvert who departed this life March 15th 1816, has left the following short account, which she dictated Sept 13th 1813. I was born Oct 19th 1743 in Idle, in my 3d year I moved with my parents into Pudsey, they belonging to the Brns Congn as soon as…