A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations
The Single Sisr Hanh Tordoff has left the following concerning her course of Life. I was born at Houme in the Lordship of Tong Decbr ye 10th 1759 baptiz’d by the Brn in my Childhood I frequented the Childrens meetings which prov’d a great blessing to my heart & I often prayd our dr Savr…
Personalia of the Widow Deborah Thornton. and of theWidows house in Fulneck, who Jan 10th. 1771The late Sr Deborah Thornton, whose Maiden Name was Walker,was born the 13th of May 1699, & brought up in the Church ofEngland. In the Year 1723 she was mard. to her late Husbandwith whom she lived chearfully & contentedly.…
Alice Catton died Feb. / 48 Our late Sr Alice Catton was bore at Hathwaite in Huddersfd in Novr 1767, her parents being in connection with the Brns church & mem bers of our Cogn at Mifield who enjoyed the Grace of God in their hts. & brot. up their childrn in the nuture &…
The S. Sr Ann Bullock who went home Feby 19th 1771 had noted the following: I was born at Maningom in the Parish of Bradford Augst 29 1743 of Church of England Parrents, But did not feel any Concern for my salvation being very wild till in my 10 year the thought once struck my…
uncatalogued Mary Athill died July 1846 Born with twin Sr. Sarah in Antigua July 9 1814. Came to Britn in 1821 first to Edinbro’, then to Fuln. Sch with elder Sr. Esther; remained here till Octr. / 28, when went first to London, where confirmd in church of Engld. In 1829 went back to Antigua where…
Ful/SS/19 Hannah Ashly Departed May 5 1761 Hannah Ashly was born at Hartshead. Aug 20 1740 Yorkshire Thro’ the Conduct of my Parents, & the Education I rec’d from them, I became in my Infancy desireous of an acquaintance with our Savr, whereupon I entered into the care of the Bren, & about my 6th…