A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations
Moravian Archives, Fulneck, UK
Ful/3/89 Our venerable Brother Johan Fr. GochtHe has left the following account of hisCourse through this Life in his own handwriting. I was born in Nieder Oderwitz the 30th Decbr1697 & was carefully instructed in all thatgood by my parents, I even from myChildhood did not suit for the wise world,My natural Corruption lay so…
Departed March 15th 1764our dear Br James wyring was born at Bowlin inof Bradford the Parish Febr 24th 1687. He was brought upa presbyterien (his business was that of a Husbandman)before he was Married he received a hurt frm a Cow, of whichhe has been lame ever Since. In the year 1711. he Marriedthe present…
James Cromark Feb. /44 Br. James Cromark born at in Jany 1767 & baptised in the Ch of Engld, but his father joining the Brn soon afterwards he brot his chil- dren regularly with him to our chapel also that (he knew the truth) from our souls childhood, & was made ac- quainted with the…
The life of Brother Benjamin Sheard, who has wrote the following of himself. I was born in Littletown in the Parish of Birstal on November 30th, 1715. My parents being Presbyterians, I was baptized and brought up in the same religion; when I was about 16 years of age, my corruption got the mastery over…
The course of life of the Married Brother Thomas Shoesmith, whose remains were interned on July 24, 1770. He was born on February 20th, 1741 in Norwood Green in the Parish of Halifax Yorkshire; and baptized in the Church of England. His parents, being some of the first Yorkshire people that adhered to the Brethren,…
Born: 1780 Died: 1832 Learn more about the life of Christian Friedrich Ramftler Reading version Memoirof Br C. F. Ramftler’s Minister ofthe Brethrens’ Congn in Bristol.who departed this life Octr 26th 1832.Aged 52 1/2 years. Written by himselfIf Parentage and descent underany circumstances be cause for gloryingI think I have where of to glory. Bothmy…