A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations
Moravian Archives Bethlehem, PA
The Girl Agnes Bönish. She was 1752. the 7th. of July at New Herrnhuth in Groenland born, & baptized by Br. Johanes who was just there, the same time, In her Childhood she made her Parents as well as the Brn. & Sisters there many happy Hours. Ao. 57. the 25th. of Nov. Br. &…
Source archive: BethlehemDocument reference: Memoirs Bethlehem, 0116 V. The Single Sistr. A. Mary Anton. The following are her own Words: I am born the 18th of May 1739 at Pilgerruh in Holstein. but so they Congregation emigrated, I came as a little Child to [?] to Hhuth. But Anno 1744, my Parents took me along…
Source archive: Bethlehem Document reference: Memoirs Bethlehem, 0088 D. Theodora die Indianerin war von der Delawar Nation, ist Anno 1742 in Minisink geboren, ihre Mutter brachte Sie als ein Mädgen mit zum Besuch nach Gnadenhütten, und lies Sie bey ihrer GroßMutter der Schwester Erdmuth, mit welcher Sie auch 1755 im November da die Indianer von…
Source archive: Bethlehem Document reference: Memoirs Bethlehem 0164 The single Sister Martha Ashly. She wrote of herself as follows: I am born the 21st. Sept. 1736. at Stornhill near Wike. & brought up in the engl. Church. In my Childhood I heard the Brethren ; testifying the tender Love of our Saviour that I got…
V. The single Sister Mary Elisab.th Baker. She writes herself: I am born the 9th of June 1737 at Berlin, My Parent did their best to keep me out of bad Company. I often went alone to pray, but took myself soon better then other People. A.o1743 I came to the Joy of my Heart…
Source archive: Bethlehem Document reference: Memoirs Bethlehem, 0307 Unsre selige Schwester Erdmuth Langley hat folgende Nachricht von sich schriftlich hinterlaßen. Ich bin geboren Anno 1741 den 21ten Merz in Northhampton in England. Da ich 5 Jahr alt war zogen meine liebe Eltern mit ihren Kindern nach London, um den Brüdern, die sie kennen gelernt hatten,…