Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Category: Moravian Archives Bethlehem, PA

  • Agnes Böhnisch (1752-1763)

    The Girl Agnes Bönish. She was 1752. the 7th. of July at New Herrnhuth in Groenland born, & baptized by Br. Johanes who was just there, the same time, In her Childhood she made her Parents as well as the Brn. & Sisters there many happy Hours. Ao. 57. the 25th. of Nov. Br. &…

  • Benigna Briand (1707-1763)

    Here followed the 22nd of March our dear Sister Benigna Briand. She was born the 17th of December 1707 at Lyneham in Wiltshire. Her Parents have been of the Quaker Religion & She was brought up in the same Principles. Anno 1740 the 19th February was she married to our Br. Briand & they followed…

  • Heinrich Friedrich Cossart (1714-1763)

    Heinrich Friedrich Cossart Our dear Brother Henry Friedr. Cossart. As he did not write the full Account of his Life himself, then we only can acquaint the Congregation with the following, viz: I am born (he writes on a Place of himself) the 20 th of Apr. 1714 at Frankfurt on the Oder, where my…

  • Susanna Burgher (1696-1772) (fragment)

    Sr. Susanna Burgher’s Account of Her Life. Awakening etc. See a further Account of her Course in the Journal of the Year 1772 under the 3d. of November, when she ended her Life, aged 76 Years 7 Months and 29 Days. I, Susanna Burger was Born in the year 1696 the 24 day of March…

  • Judith Brasher (1700-1772)

    An Account of the Life of Judith Brasher This is a short Account of the Forbearance of God to- -wards Me poor Sinner, born April 9th. May 8th 1700. and baptiz’d 1729 in the Reformd Church by the Name of Judith. My Father was Stephen Gashery of Kingston in Esopus. The Lord took my Mother…

  • Nicholas Eberhard (1723-1770)

    New York. Memoirs of Br. Nicholas Henry Eberhard, so as He himself penn’d them down in the Beginning of this Year, in a probable Expectation of being soon calld home. I was born in Copenhagen, March 20th. 1723. where my Father was Doctor and Surgeon to a Grenadier Regiment, and educated in the Lutheran Religion.…