Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Beterous Atkinson (Reading Version)

Born: 4 May, 1742 at Wyke
Died: 16 July, 1771 at Wyke

Learn more about the life of Beterous Atkinson

Our Sister Beterous Atkinson was born May the 4th, 1742 at Wyke in Birstall Parish. Though she was still baptized in the Church of England, yet as her parents belonged to the Brethren from the time of the first awakening in this country, she from her childhood was in the care of the sisters. But as nothing very particular of the work of our Lord was observed in her heart, she in her 21st year took some little offence, which ended in a confusion of mind, and of consequence a coldness and shyness towards those, who sought the prosperity of her soul took place which continued till she was married on September 21, 1766. The uneasiness of heart which she was never quite free from, become now serious, and this was the period of her life, in which she was actually awakened, and saw and felt that she had never known our dear Lord, as a sinner. She now sought again for fellowship with the Congregation and in December, 1769 she was readmitted into the Society, and after repeated supplications she was received into the Congregation April 15th, 1770. She was now at times very cheerful and increased in the knowledge of herself. Last winter she fell into a lingering state of health, and this no pains were spared towards her recovery, yet it was all in vain, and a regular

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consumptive disorder took place. As she had entertained great hopes of overcoming this sickness, she was so much the more disappointed when she was insured of the contrary, and a certain fear of death seized her, which made her at first very heavy; But she prayed our dear Lord so long, till he was graciously pleased to remove this from her. From thence ensued a settled heart’s desire and longing to be with him the sooner the better, and she grew so remarkably in the inner congregation, that it was a pleasure to behold it. She had a great desire to enjoy the holy sacrament while here, which she also obtained June 24th and the days following she was inexpressively happy in her heart, and thus she kept growing in our Lord’s grace and longing after his coming till the 15th of July when a few moments before her soul took flight she still said: sweet Jesus! Her dying life lasted 29 years and 2 months.