Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Author: Katie Faull

  • Elizabeth Proctor (1819-1845)

    died May / 45Our late Sr Elizth Procter was bornjust outside the settlement Septr 10th / 19& baptized on the 19th by Br RamftlerIn Augt / 26 her mother departed this lifehappily. On her deathbed she was muchdistressed at the thot of leaving her husband with 6 little children, but she fervently commended him &…

  • Mary Tattersall (1756-

    The life of the our late S. Sister Mary Tattersallas wrote by herself.I was born at Kingcross near Hallifax Maythe 29th 1756 and babtized in the Church of England.In my when very young I remember withgratitude to my dear Savior to have had avery tender impression of his dying love inmy heart, & the childrens…

  • Mary Taylor (1745-1790)

    The Course of with of the S. Sister Mary Taylor who Departed to our Savior at Fulnec Febr 21 1790 I was Born at Moberly in the County of Cheshire July 11th 1745 and Baptized in the Church of England. In my Childrens Years I felt some dawnings of Grace in my heart, but did…

  • Ann Taylor (1731-1758)

    Our Dear Sisr Ann Taylor was Born in Clagheaton May ye 8th 1731in Burstol parich, was Baptis’d & educated a pressbeterian herFather dieing when she was only Seven years old, & her Motherbeing in low circumstances & uncapable of taking proper careof her, her unkle & Aunt took to her, & soon after her Motherdieing…

  • Samuel Sykes (1796-

    Br Saml Sykes. The suddenness of the call from time into eternity of one of the most active members of the Congn who had long resided in our midst, renders a sketch of his character almost unnecessa ry. And yet we love to think of the dear departed and to trace some of the most…

  • Mercy Sutcliffe (1715-1768)

    Sister Mercy Sutcliffe was born at Claylor in the parish of Bradford aug 31 1715, but haveing left no account of Her course thro’ this time the following can only be noticed. The first knowledg of Her was when she came to live with Mrs Holms at Smithhouse in the year at which place the…