A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations
Peter Hyland, died May 1846 Our late brother was born in this at Fulnic place Septr 12th 1774, & baptised in this chapel a few days after his birth. He was brot up here & recd all his education at the Boys’ Day School, which was, however superior in point both of instruction & discipline,…
The S. Sr Hannah Wilkinson wasborn in Gadley near Hallifax Feb. 22d1755, and baptized in the Churchof England. As an infant she movedwith her Parents to Huddersfield.She often ralated with pleasure, thatwhen she was but a young Childher Mother used to take her toChurch to hear Mr Veen, an awakeend Minister, which often proveda great…
1 The Life of the Single Sistr Susanh Watson, who went to our Savr, July 31st in the Choir House at Fulneck. Concerning which the following is Her own account. I was born June 25th 1751 at Little Gumersall in the Parish of Birstal, Yorkshire, and Baptizd by the Brn. In my 6th year my…
The S Sr Martha Watson who departed this life June 21st 1810. was born July, 11. the 1743 in Pudsey & bap. in Presbitirian Church. As a Child she came often errands to Fulnek & used to say she would like to live here, but her Father being not inclined towards the Brns Congn she…
as I had suffered, instructions in the way of salvationshe was blessd with the knowledge of an advanced Christian,combined with such genuine humbleness of mind, never imagining that she knew more than others, or makingany boast. The spirit of the lowly Jesus of Nazarethrested upon her. Asking her the ground of her faith andhope, and…
Departed March 15th 1764our dear Br James wyring was born at Bowlin inof Bradford the Parish Febr 24th 1687. He was brought upa presbyterien (his business was that of a Husbandman)before he was Married he received a hurt frm a Cow, of whichhe has been lame ever Since. In the year 1711. he Marriedthe present…