Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Author: Katie Faull

  • Mary Startin (1745-?)

    Memorandum of my course of life The Lord hath done great things for mewhat to his precise each blood dropwidow of Thos Harsley? + Bradford, Wilts within me were followed always My Maiden name was Craddock I was born in Bristol My Fathers name was Ebenezer Craddock April 17 1745 Old Stile and was Baptized…

  • J. Evans (1714-?)

    The Life of the Widower Br Jr. Evans as Dictated by himself.  I was born at Presteign Radnorshire May 3d 1714. being in low Circumstances I went as a Boy into Service to do Husbandry work, but had early impressions, abt my present & future State, not without Temptations to make away wth my Self…

  • Elizabeth Bethell (1754-1783)

    Elizabeth Bethell 1783. Leominster Archives Course of Life of our late Maid Sister Eliz: Bethell from her own hand Writing. I was born May the 21st 1754 in the Town of Monmouth where my Father was placed as Officer in the Excise, & in my third Year my Father was removed to Leominster in Herefordshire; When…

  • Elizabeth Chambers (1765-1802)

    The Widow S.r Eliz. Chambers late Lewis who departed this life Apr. 6th 1802 at Fulneck & has left the following Account of herself. I was born in Bath April 27th 1765 baptiz’d in the church of England. In my childrens years I constantly attented attended the meetings of the Brethren, which my parents had no objection to. I cannot remember that…

  • George Francke (1717-1802)

    A short account of the life of our late muchbeloved and venerable Brother George Francke,who departed into eternal rest in the 85th yearof his age, May 15th 1802.Written by Himself. I was born in Jüttland Octr 6th 1717, but camewith my Parents to Fühnen, when I was half a yearold; where my Father followed the…

  • Thomas Moore (1750-1821)

    Some particulars relating to my Pilgrimage thro’the wilderness of this world, to the Heavenly Jerusalem.Thomas MooreFairfield Sep.r 16 1821:This venerable and beloved servant of Christentered into the joy of his Lord Sept. 7 1823 Having often recommended it to show to notedown some particulars of their course throughtime, to the praised glory of the grace…