A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations
Memorandum of my course of life The Lord hath done great things for mewhat to his precise each blood dropwidow of Thos Harsley? + Bradford, Wilts within me were followed always My Maiden name was Craddock I was born in Bristol My Fathers name was Ebenezer Craddock April 17 1745 Old Stile and was Baptized…
The Life of the Widower Br Jr. Evans as Dictated by himself. I was born at Presteign Radnorshire May 3d 1714. being in low Circumstances I went as a Boy into Service to do Husbandry work, but had early impressions, abt my present & future State, not without Temptations to make away wth my Self…
Elizabeth Bethell 1783. Leominster Archives Course of Life of our late Maid Sister Eliz: Bethell from her own hand Writing. I was born May the 21st 1754 in the Town of Monmouth where my Father was placed as Officer in the Excise, & in my third Year my Father was removed to Leominster in Herefordshire; When…
The Widow S.r Eliz. Chambers late Lewis who departed this life Apr. 6th 1802 at Fulneck & has left the following Account of herself. I was born in Bath April 27th 1765 baptiz’d in the church of England. In my childrens years I constantly attented attended the meetings of the Brethren, which my parents had no objection to. I cannot remember that…
A short account of the life of our late muchbeloved and venerable Brother George Francke,who departed into eternal rest in the 85th yearof his age, May 15th 1802.Written by Himself. I was born in Jüttland Octr 6th 1717, but camewith my Parents to Fühnen, when I was half a yearold; where my Father followed the…
Some particulars relating to my Pilgrimage thro’the wilderness of this world, to the Heavenly Jerusalem.Thomas MooreFairfield Sep.r 16 1821:This venerable and beloved servant of Christentered into the joy of his Lord Sept. 7 1823 Having often recommended it to show to notedown some particulars of their course throughtime, to the praised glory of the grace…