A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations
Mary Elizabeth Thornton was born on the 16th of December 1831 in the little village of Tong At the age of about four years the learned to read with great facility, and indeed began early to give indi cations of an ardent thirst for knowledge and intense delight in reading. Half a year afterwards her…
Grace Thornton 1 went home Feb 12th 1770 The course of Life of the Single Sister Grace Thornton I was born at Mirfield Novbr 8 1736 Bapt on the Church of England haveing heard of our Savr from My infancy, I had a desire to go unto the meetings but my mother thought I was…
Departed June 13. 1761 The Course of Life of our dr Br John Clarke from Holbeck. Our Br. Jno. Clarke was born in ye Year 1693 at Busling thorp in the Parish of Leeds Yorkshire; his parents were Religious Prosbiteriens & brot. up their son in ye same way, he was bound a Aprentice to…
Hannah Clark Hannah Clark was born in Northowrm near Hallifax, Decber 1727 and in the year 43 She heard the Gospel preachd, along with her Sister, after some time our Saviour Laid hold on her heart in Such a manner, that She had a great desier to be long to the Society, but being of…
Alice Catton died Feb. / 48 Our late Sr Alice Catton was bore at Hathwaite in Huddersfd in Novr 1767, her parents being in connection with the Brns church & mem bers of our Cogn at Mifield who enjoyed the Grace of God in their hts. & brot. up their childrn in the nuture &…
Occurrences in Wike Congn for the Month of Jan. 1771 The 4th Out of Wyk Plan our dear Sr Mercy Carter went to our Saviour On the 4th Jan. Of her Course thro’ this World the following is to be observed: She was born at Greatland in Hallifax Parish: March 29th 1716, and brught up…