Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Anna Margretta Walker (1763-1770)

Anna Margretta Walker was Born in fulneck went home Apl 23d 1770 Septr 20: 1763, and was soon after Baptised by Bro Latrobe, the was a lively and healthy Child till she was nine Months old, when she got the hooping Cough which left something upon her Stumoc of a Consumptive nature which remained with her to the very last, soon after she begun to speak she took great, delight in Learnong verses the first of which was I am a little Child you see etc. and what verse soever she learnt She always Learnt the right Tune along therewith, for which she had a special gift, her most faverit verses were, heartily Love I she Lamb etc. The Lord I love with Tender awe etc look on me Lord till I do weep etc Grace how good how cheap how free etc The Saviours Blood and Righteousness and many more which would be too tedeous to Mention a year and half ago when a School was begun in the Sisr house for the girls in the place, She Rejoised greatly there at and has so much as her health wou’d admit of always gone and it has been observd it has been special Blessing to her, last Novembr She got a Fever which brought her very weak but after wards Recovered prety well

Derectly after which she took the small pox, but came very well thro, and was for a short time more healthy than she used to be, and went in the School again, and when any of the girls or Sisters went home and She saw their Corps, it maid a great impresion upon her, and she could not speak enough of their buty, and often spoke how much She Longed to be like them and tould some of her Companions that they should come and see her when she was a Corps, and spoke often with her father and Mother how they Should dress her when she was a corps, and what she would have in the coffin with her, but her greatest care was about the watch word which was on her Birthday for this year the Sisters in the School having writ of her on apice of printed paper, when she Brought it to her. Father, she said. I will have this put in my hands in the coffin with me,* She has complained for these three Months last frequently of head ace, and in pasion week She went one night to the meeting in the hall and Spoke with a peculiar delight of being at great Sabbath and took care to have at her clothes Clean for that day, but on Tusday in the night She was shakon with a vilant pucking and headach

which Continualy increased, and altho’ she took medcin, yet neither that nor any thing els would rest upon her Stomoc. So that it was plain that our dear Saviour intended to take her into his Eternal Security when She was askd at any time what she wanted she always answred, I want our Saviour to come, when askd if She would grow Better, She always said I will go to our Saviour and would hear of nothing als on Ester Sunday night she begun to have Convelsions So that we though She would Soon go home, but on the Monday the doctor aplied something which gave her a little ease till Friday night, when her convulitions Returnd again So that one Expected her going home every houre, but She still continued all that day and night, and Sunday having Convultions continually, during the whole week She was frecquantly visited by the Sisters both day and night, which is hereby acknowledged with thankfulness on Sunday in the night the convulsions left her and she Lay quite Still till half an hour past 5 on Monday morning when her happy soul took flight into the wounds of her beloved Saviour with the Blessing of the Cong and her choir aged 6 years 7 Months and 3 days

The text of this insertion is denoted to be part of the text of page 2 of this document.

*The text on her Birth Day was on the 20th of Sept my flesh and my heart faileth, but god is the Strength of my heart, and my position for ever. There’s nought, that me can part from Jesus in life or death vicissitude; I lay my hand in his side precious and say, thou’st my Lord and my God.” The Srs observe as to her disposicon she was of a lively & acttive turn though sometimes when her own will showed it self it gave her and her Sisters some trouble but when she was reminded of it she soon was a sinner and beged us to forgive her which we readyly did for she was tenderly beloved by her Sisters and School companions