Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Anna Gambold (1752-1770)

The Course of Life of the Grt Girl anna Gambold who was born in Londn augst 13 1752, Her weakly consitution obligid Her dr parents to continue Her with them till she was 8 years of age at which Time she was brought by Her mama to live in the childrens occonomie here, where she became soon home both with Her sisters & children, she was of a Happy & still dispossition but with all so very sickly as events incapacitated Her for takeing any Education or instructions further when what Her own natural generious move’d Her too, which was of the most Simple & child like mind & when Her room companions was at their little diversions, she wou’d be take Herself to reading or writeing verses & singing such verses as was the most pleaseing to Her, Viz They blood sweat dear savr & o sink me still deeper & so forth that one cou’d percive our dear anna had a Tender Heart who delighted itself in the school of the H Ghost & so speak & converse with our dearest Savr yet on all other occasions Her bodily weakness attended with a violent cough obliged the Sisters to nurs & Treat Her as one not half Her age & thro’ The great Laxity of Her Stomach and Bowels Her vituals seldom aforded its proper nuture for Her bodily suport, so that She bore a bout The most weakly Tabernacle of any child of Her years in The most patience that ever cou’d be Expected,

in the year 64 she was took into the Gr Girls

choir, from This time Our dr anna John Gambold got a desire to be received into the congregation which Latter render she & to live with the Grt Girls in the Sisters house and the which grace to attain she got permission to injoy Ap 3th 1769 & was presently at Home & Expressd much thankfulness for Her situation aMongest the Great Girls & she wou’d now beg of Her dear Savr to give Her a solid foundation of Him in Her Heart Then all things wou’d go well & happy with Her; Thus this dear Child went on in a State of Infancy simple & blessed manner Thankful for Happy lot but had frequent intervals of Her usal disorder in being better & worse when on the 26 of may she was seizd with Her acustomed vomiting & great drought being apprehensive that it was Her usal complaint tell all application for Her releive prove’d in Effectual we was painfully suprised by Her approach dissolution as Her companion disorder protended to a Manifestion in Her Stomack those few moments of relaxation that she injoyed from this imperious disorder she desired to see those dr Girls & Sisters which she calld Her favorits telling them she beleive’d she shou’d soon be with Her dear Savr beging Him to come & take poor anna Gambold to Himself & on the second day of this illness we was painfully suprizd with Her appoading disolution, this dear & childlike Heart bore all the Severities of this impetious disorder with uncommon patience making no other Complaint then a painful Head & Her poor great drought & on the 28 in the morning she received a Cordial diss…?? of some Moments before when by The Last kiss was

Was imparted to Her from Her souls bridegroom, which dureing the blessing of Her Choir which left such an aimable impression on Her lovely corpses as caused the most regarding & compassionating Tenderness Love Tears to flow both from Girls & Sisters as hath not been fell on the Like occasion thus our dear & much beloved anna John Gambold very unExpectedly altered into the Joy of Her Lord age’d 16 years 9 months & some days, the short time of Her course spent amongst us merited the Tenderst Love & respect Her & Her dear parents for she was an obedient simple & childlike Heart