Our Dear Sisr Ann Taylor was Born in Clagheaton May ye 8th 1731
in Burstol parich, was Baptis’d & educated a pressbeterian her
Father dieing when she was only Seven years old, & her Mother
being in low circumstances & uncapable of taking proper care
of her, her unkle & Aunt took to her, & soon after her Mother
dieing also she became entirely under of care of her Aunt
who in ye year 40 was touch’d in heart by our Savr under ye
preaching of Mr Ingham & became a member of that Society,
to wch oppertunities she brought ye above child tho: at that
time, much against her inclination, wch was more for
playing with other lightminded Children; this she has often
since reflected on with concern, & expressed her hearty thanks
to our dear Savr & her aunt for their especial care of her at that
time. In 45 Br Held haveing of care of ye Yorkshire Children
& she being admited to there meetings soon begun to love
them & to have a real tender feeling of her heart. In 46 her
Aunt comeing to live in an oeconomy, a Sutable place was
provided for her, where she stay’d a year & then left it of her
own accord, wch however gave her much Smart afterward.
for ye year 50 she had ye favour to live with Br & Sisr Grass at
Clagheaton who lov’d her tenderly, but they removeing from thence
she came to live at Holm with some single women belonging
to that Society, from, whence she came to live with Br & Sr Harlock
at Lambs Hill, & notwithstanding thus favoured to live with
Bren & Sisrs yet she co’d not be satisfyed because she was not
in ye Congn & therefore beg’d to be taken from that place
thinking if she was but to live in an oeconomy with Sisrs
that then she sho’d soonner come to ye enjoyment of that
happyness wch she felt she wanted, to wch priviledge, upon her
earnest request Sisr Mary admited her vis: to Hightown, to live with two sisters
where according to her expectation, she profited much, became solidly
aquainted with our dr Savr & her own poor heart, so that she gain’d
ye love of all her Sisrs & enjoy’d a real fellowship with them.
May ye 13th 1745 she had ye Grace to become a member of ye Congn to
her unspeakable consolation. and on ye 20, when ye oeconomy at
little Gumersel was setled she had ye favour to be one of that happy
company, of wch she was very glad & thankfull, remaining in that
tender feeling for some time, but her impaticent longing for
still farther Blessings, often caus’d her pain & wch was renew’d
constantly when she Saw ye other Sisrs go to ye Lords Supper. of
wch she spoak in a particular manner once to a Sisr, who
asking her where she thought ye fault lay, answer’d I don’t
know, being advised to make application to our dear Savr
for a right information, & being asshur’d by ye above Sister
that she was not forgoten. she accordingly did so, & very simply
said I feel ye fault is all in my self, childlikly beging to
be still thought on with regard to that matter, which was
also done. And on ye 13th of July ye same year she had her
longing desire satisfyed & was made partaker of her Lords
Corpse’s & blood in ye holy Sacrament, wch proved a real &
lasting Blessing to her heart. But her natural dispossision
being some what high, she depriv’d her selfe of many happy
hours wch otherwise she might have enjoy’d, & this also gave
occation of concern to those around her & some painfull hours
But our dr Lamb who know’s all things, found out ways &
mean’s whereby he cou’d constantly bring her again to ye Sinner
point, ye this made ye Sisters continue their love to her &
have paticence with her.
decr 56 she was leased with a sore cough atended with a pain
in her side; by ye continuance of wch it was judg’d would
prove a Consumption, tho she her selfe did not believe to
if she was ask’d at any time if she thought she sho’d go home
of this sickness, sho’d answer no I can’t believe I shall
have that favour yet. But ye disorder encreasing, she came
upon other thoughts, & said that if she didnot onlter soon it
would bring her to our Saviour, This made her often wish she
might once go to live in ye Choir House & there experience in a
more particular manner her choir grace, wch favour however
cou’d not be granted her as an inhabitant but was afterwards
gratifyd in ye respect on account of chaing of air & better
convenancy, so on ye 13 of June lest she came here to her great
joy, hopeing that this wou’d be her last home on earth &
so growing weaker & weaker she whent into ye Sick Room
Novr ye 4th believing that our dear Savr wo’d soon make her
ready for himself & take her home where allso she wish’d to
be. It was always ye greatest pleasure to her when any one
told her, they thought she w’d soon go to her eternal Bridegroom
on ye 13 it being ye Elders feastival & she being not able
to go to ye Hall when ye bell rung for ye absosutation, she
fell prostrate in her Sick Room & there rec’d that full & free
absolution from of hands of her dear Head & Elder to her inexp-
ressable consolation wch aquainted her dear Sisr. Mary of in
a very tender manner. On ye 24th it being our dr Mamma’s Birth
day & tho: she was not capable of being presant at ye oppertunities
yet she enjoy’d ye sweet nearness of her wounded friend ye whole
day, at night Sisr Mary came to her, & had some very agreeable
conversation with her, as she many times had, & ye Choir
now going to enjoy ye cup of thanksgiving, she was told
of it, when she tenderly beg’d to be a partaker of ye same
Grace & Blessing wch favour was also granted her to her
great Joy & comfort.
Sunday 26 she enjoy’d for ye last time ye Corpes & Blood of
her Beloved in ye Holy Communion.
Decr ye 8 one co’d plainly perceive that her dear Bridegroom
wo’d soon give her ye last kiss, for wch she most earnestly,
long’d. on ye 15th she spoak in a very tender & feeling
manner of ye love & faithfullness of her dearest Friend
who had to closly attended & followed her even from
her childhood, saying ah! He has been my best friend
indeed, of whom had a strength, I cou’d day much. at
night she pray’d very proveingly to her dear Lamb, often
uttering in a faultering tone o! dearest Lamb, take me
if it be thy time, but if I must yet stay longer
here, then only keep near my heart & give one paticence
Then speaking to her Sick waiter said, Thou hast many
things to forgive me, for I have been a very poor child
indeed. & so beging pardon in a pretty tender way
she was assur’d that ye above had not ye least against
her but realy love’d her. soon after she sent for Sisr
Mary with whom she kept a hearty band, telling her
at ye same time, that she firmly believed that her
dear spouse w’d fetch her home that night wch ye
former question’r, she answer’d, but I am ashured of it ye have
made out all my matters for my Buring & ever thing,
wch I hope will be done acordingly, both to your
Satisfaction & mine & now I have nothing more to do,
but am quite ready. Sisr Mary then going to keep ye evening
Blessing, she sent her hearty Salutaition by her, to her
her Choir desireing them all to think of her adding, I know our
dear Savr will kiss me home this night, & then I will
remember each Sisr before him in a particular manner.
after wch at Sisr Marys return she found her still panting
for ye last kiss, saying o’ my dear Lamb: come come soon.
so she comforted her telling her of that Bloody Sweaty
agoney wch her dear Lord had sufferd for her, in the
Garden & how on her account he had allso sweated
death sweat, therefore she sho’d only now have a
little paticence & that happy mnnite w’d soon come.
then the lay a little still, but presantly lifted
her selfe up & said, come Sisr Mary & sing me
ye last verce for I am just now going, then was
sung, and when in his arm’s lastly thy mouth
shall pallid grow &c. & then she fell Softly asleep on
ye warm breast of her dear wounded friend, dureing a Sweet
litturgy kept by her Choir Labourer’s. between eleven
& twelve o clock ye same night, in the 28 year of her age
decbr 15 1758