Ann Eagles was Born at Cadon in oxfordshire Sept 7th 1734 Her Parents both died when she was very young, wich was followd with great hardships in Service till She was about 16 years of age about which time Br Gusenbower Preachd it Cabworth wher she liv’d she hearing him became thoughtfull about her Salva- tion, & from that time had a particular drawing also to the Bretheren, which made her leave her place that she might have opportunity to hear the Gosple & thereupon she came live with Br & Sr Ager at Northampton, where from time to time she became Acquainted with the Srs of her own Choir by whom she was very much Belov’d but cou’d not according to her Satisfaction to enjoy her own Choir, to whom she was so much attach’d yet her heart was always with them. She long was usefull in the Service of Br & Sr Ager & at the same time under great obligations to them, since they was the cause of her be- ing acquainted with the Congregation, She always show’d great Ten- derness and affection in her Childlike behaviour to them. in ye year 1756 June 7 She was receivd into the Congregation which proved a great blessing to her & She kept in close union with her Srs came as often as She cou’d to Bedford it being a great way of which gave her great reason to wish & long to be in the Choir-house were with she was so delighted. She often said if I dont soon come to my dear Srs I believe our Saviour will take me to himself, which she often expressd to her Choir Labouress, this last year the found it very difficult in coming to see us the Small-Pox being in Northampton, which She had not had gave her great reason to Stay at home, on which account She shed many tears & sent Letters to her Srs to let them know from time to time how she felt in her heart & so kept up fellowship with them. June the 7th She was took with the Small-Pox & as she all
along prepar’d her self for going home She went to the Room were she was to be with great Chearfullness & Sent word to us about her illness on which account Lorel went the 14th of June, & arriv’d with her at 11 o clock. at the sight of her She was over-come with joy, & embrac’d her to such a degree that She was advis’d to keep still, least it might hurt her O no said She, I am so glad to see you nothing will hurt me how Shall I be thankfull enough to my dear Saviour for such a grace, tho’ I have nothing to say in particular but to tell you that I am quite ready to go to my dear Savr whom I love very much, I am over come with his grace; he is so near to me that I can embrace him at any time, after She had repeated often how glad & thankfull she was in see- ing one of her Choir Sisters She seem’d to grow weak Lorel was left alone with her asking her many questions & if She thought of going soon to embrace her Bridegroom, yes said She, it was made out in my heart before now; but since I ses you I cant recollect so well, I am quite resin’d & believe it will be soon, then Lorel said to her it will be the more joy to you when you get the sight of him sooner then you expected upon which She smil’d was quite Chearfull & taken up entirely with her Bridegroom, After this uncommon joy she seem’d tir’d then Lorel left her but She soon sent for her again, she found her in her the same chearfull way, & Sung several verses asking then if she understood what was sung She said I Sing with you we then percievd a Suden alteration the Person which attended her wanted to ease her turn’d her on her Bed but not expecting that her time was so near. She looking at Lorel who began to sing & her Poor Limbs now dying &c under which verse her Soul took its flight about 7 o Clock the Same Night, all those about her was agreeable surpris’d at her happy departure.