The S. Sr Ann Bullock who went home Feby 19th 1771 had noted the following:
I was born at Maningom in the Parish of Bradford Augst 29 1743 of Church of England Parrents, But did not feel any Concern for my salvation being very wild till in my 10 year the thought once struck my mind, if I went on as I did I should not be sav’ d this Could me Home uneasiness for a time, but soon vanishd in the delight I took in my vain pleasures, as I grew older I felt the depravity of my own nature, and the proponsity that lay in me to every evil which I had not power to withstand, notwithstanding the Convictions I felt to the Contrary, which I did my best to stifel as far as possible, My Mother Once took me aside, and with great Concem spoke very Closely to me about my bad Course telling me that the Lord saw every thing & knew how I went on, taking me at the same time how I cou’d be answerable for it when I shoud once appear before Him, this affected me for some time and I sought as well as I cou’d to amend my Life, that I might thereby merit the favour of God towards me, this lasted not long neither, before I was as bad as ever, My Parrents being recd into the Society my Mother often askd me to go with her to the MeetingsĀ to which I had no inclination, & therefore putt it off till in the year 1761 When my Mother was taken very Ill, the Brn often visited her, by which means I got first a Love to them thinking there was something discernable in them I had never seen in any people before, from the time I went to hear them. and it was soon clear to me I belongd to them, I soon made my desire known to be red into the Society, which was granted me 2 days before my Mothers departure, after my mother was gone I could no longer settle at home, but wanted to live with Sistrs my Sistr being of the Same mind with me She obtained leave to go to gumerfal Oeconomy, and a short time after I had leave to go to Holme Oeconomy, but not being Quite Settled in my self I was perswaded by my Father to return to him, during my stay with him, I had no Satisfaction wanting to go back, but coud not got directly leave, but
rather an admonition which provd a real Blessing to me. I tund with my concern to our Saviour who prov’d my freind My Father by means of a Conversation with Br Charlesworth which was at the Same time a Blessing to me also, inclind more willingly to let me go, & in a short time I returnd to the Same Oeconomy, after Some time spent not so agreably we Spoke our minds to Our Laboress concerning our situation after which we got Ellen Lee to live with us from the Choir House, with whom we soon after moved to little Moore, here I felt at times verry chearfull, Yet longd very much to experience, the full asurance of my Sins being forgiven me Which I knew I had never rightly felt, it was not long before I injoyd that grace for which I can’t sufficiently thank and Praise my Savr July ye 17 1768 I was recd into the Congn to my great Joy, and abasement and augst 19 the same year obtained leave to move to my dr Choir House, which rejoiced me very much, on account of my sickly state I went directly into the Sickroom where I spent most of my time, it has been indeed a School of grace to my heart Especialy, when our Savr had made one after the other fitt for his eternal Embraces, which prov’d a matter both of Joy & Pain to me, Joy on their account but Pain on my own, knowing he had not as yet ataind his full aim with me, by bringing me thro’ this Sickly Habit of Body, to rely Stedfastly on him the true Physician, I felt a longing Desire to become a participant of his Corpse & Blood Sacramenttaly, it seemd long to me before I injoyd this grace but when I partook for the first time July 16 1769 I can never express what my poor heart injoy’d, From that time I became more Solidly aquainted with my own poverty, and unsinnerlikeness, but depriv;d my self of the there injoyment of the Sinners happiness thro reasoning & striving to help my self, being unwilling to appear as I realy was, which since then has Causd me some painfull reflections, in Febry 1770 I had a Severe Fitt of Sickness at which time Our Savr manifested himself to me, in such a Manner, that I cou’d rejoice in him knowing that he was Mine, and that I Shou’d remain his to all Eternity
tho’ unworthy of the Least of all his Mercies, thus far her own account
Our Saviour has in a very poculiar manner accomplishd his
work, in Our happilly departed Sistr. She was of a Close
dissposition & did not like to be a Sinner till our Savr
thro various means overcame her, it causd both her &
her Sistrs much pain to perceive, that tho, she sufferd
So much in her Body, yet she had always a reservedness
her sickness being of a peculiar Nature together with
this Causd the Sistrs often perplextity, as well as made
it very heavy to her, she was otherwise of a submissive
Tempor & thro her good behaviour gain’d the Love of
her Sistrs during her abode in the Sickroom where
She spent 2 whole years. About 4 months ago her
disorder terminated in a Consumption and Our Savr
according to his bountifull dealings gave her that
inexpressible grace, that she got a clearness with Him,
and know on whom she beloved that all Her fears & apprehensions
about leaveing her Body & the aproach of Eternity Vanished
in the happy expectation, of seeing her wounded friend,
often repeating her longing desire that he might come soon
Our Savr granted her in her latter days a real Sabatical
injoyment of his Merits & tho her Cough was troublesome
to her, she had not much pain, Continuing to Look
out for that happy Moment which came to her
great Joy on the 19 of Febry about 10 in the forenoon
when she departed happily
with the Blessing of her Choir