Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Agnes Böhnisch (1752-1763)

The Girl Agnes Bönish.
She was 1752. the 7th. of July at New Herrnhuth in Groenland born, & baptized by Br. Johanes who was just there, the same time,
In her Childhood she made her Parents as well as the Brn. & Sisters there many happy Hours.

Ao. 57. the 25th. of Nov. Br. & Sistr. Beck brought her along to Herrnhuth & there She came in the Girls-House. She has been extraordinary lively & activ active & loved the Children very much & so did the Children to her, not caring that and never mindet minded that the could’t talk wth. one another then Agnes could not a Word german. But her able nature made her to learn the Language very soon & easy, & was very soon at home amongst the Children.
Her extraordinary Activity was soon forgot & One could behold in a Short Time on her a tender & lovely Child towards our Saviour. She very often entertained her Room-Fellows along while in telling them, how She would in time say the poor Greenlanders how well & happy a poor Creature could become by our Saviour & what She feeled & enjoy’d by Him.

Ao. 1760. Was She taken amongst the rest with the small Pox got afterwards bad Eyes, & as her Eyes grew better the a hectic-fever took place, but for all that She was lively & happy & was allways always grieved when She must hinder herself from the Children-Meeting. She was continually wth. her
Children, as much as her Weak Circumstances would allow it. Her sedate Disposition of Mind made her so much regard by her Children that
every one submitted to her Remembrances. Hereby we cann’t pass over the Joy we had about her, when her sickly Circumstances sometimes caused
her some heat or Impatience, how soon she judged herself & came directly wth. 100 Tears in her Eyes begging forgivenes forgiveness, & we had enough
to do only to comfort her. Shortly before as Binel Grass departed wth. which She had a very intim Connection, they were once both overheard in a very confident Discourse: They both were glad that they would soon meet by our Saviour, & certified their tender Love to one another in such a touching Manner, that

the Sisters since that Time retaineth a certain Impression thereof in their Heart. Her most agreeable Amusement was to sing, & with Singing She diverted herself in the Ember Week of the Passion of her dear Lord, that She very often in the Midst of such a Liturgie was stoppd by the Weakness of her Body. After Easter She was quite confind to her Bed, & all probable Signs arrising arising, that our dear Saviour hastened to finish this tender & lovely little Soul & the 5th. of May in the Morning at 9 a o’ Clock her long wishd & blessed Hour struck & she departed wth. the Blessing of the Congregation happy & easily in her 11th. Year of Age.