Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Abraham Stockwell (1698-1761)


Departed Dec. 1. 1761.
The Course of life of the Widdower. Our Happy departed Bro: Abraham Stockwell.

Abraham Stockwell was born at LittleTown in the Parish of Birstal
Parish March ye 13th 1698. As his Parents did not go to
one & the Same place of Religion Worship, His Father being of the
Church of England brought his Son Abraham also up in that Church the
Same Religion. When he was about 14 years old He
went apprentice to a Cloathmaker & Dresser at Guml
with which Master whom he staid a year as Journey man
after he had Serv’d his apprentiship out with him.
He afterwards began at his Fathers House to do
Buisness for himself as Master & had always
the Character of an honest & Sober young Man.
At the Age of 26th He was married to his late wife
Hannah Stockwell who went happely home to her Lord
Some years ago before him. With her they he had 4
Children, of which the first born son returned again
soon after the Birth to his Mother City Soon after he was born into this
world, 2 of their Daughters are Single Sisters in the
Congregation (viz) The Eldest (viz) Mary lives is a Childns Sister in the
Childrens Girls Oeconomy With the Girls and the other (viz) Jane
lives now since removed directly after her Fathers happy departure in to the Single
Sisters Oeconomy at Guml, The 3d, & Youngest Daughters
departure out of this Time was the Blesed opportuni
ty of our Bro: & Sister Stockwels Awakenng, for
they both became very uneasy in their Mind on
Account of the desolution decease of their Child, And Mr
Ingham happend at that Time to preach about in this Country

Thy went to hear him & became grew concerned about their Salvation
when afterwards the Br: came to yorkshire & preachd the Gospel
and (Bro: Spangenberg & Bro: Ockershausen went about &) Setled
regular Societies Our Abraham & his wife gave also their Names
in, & He was made the Servant of Gumersall Society then as likewise
steward, He was lov’d & respected by all for his faithfullness
& Continued in that office very usefull unto the End of his he put off this mortal Tent
dying life. He was Recd into the Congregation June ye 8th, 1748,

Which was real Grace unto him & a lasting Blesing
for unto his poor Heart. In Novr following the Same year On the 13th of the following Novr
(viz) ye 13th He had the Grace to be admitted for the first
Time to the holy Comunion of the Body & Blood of Jesus
Christ in the Congregation, Since which Time He used
to Say I grew in grace & in knowledge Both of Our dear
Saviour & also myself & he became really happy as a poor
Sinner, and indeed in that happy Sinner Course & with
that Blesed Magdelane Lot, He went on happily to the Joy
and Satisfaction of the Labourers & When Ever one he was Spoken with
him, one felt really it was evidently to be felt that his poor Heart had a fellowship with
the Lamb of God man of smart, in Whom he had found his peace Especiantly was particularly
was his Choir Course as a real Widdower Liturgie, & Edifying.
He used sometimes to visit his Brr: the Widdowers in this plan some
times with Blesing. His External & Oeconomical affairs
did not prosper go on So well as both he & others could have
wish’d, and on that Account He Used Sometimes to
have Some Gloomy Moments, for fear he should not be
able to do Justice & pay Every Body their own, But as
soon as he had Spoken his Heart unbosomed himself on this read in open Band like way
to his Labourer He was grew directly Clear again & had Confidence in
Our Heavenly Father, that Everything even of that kind would go.

    About a half a year before his late Sickness, He felt
    him self Uncomonly hearty vigorous & Well in his Bodily
    Health, & was able as well as willing to work at his
    Buisness very diligendly so that he Sayd to several Brn
    I feel my self Quite healthy strong & well in my Body &
    So he continued untill [Wednesday] Novr 25th in the morning, When
    after he had enter his Breakfast, He was seized all at once
    with a violand pain in his Bowels proceeding from the Gravil
    But as he had formerly had hath such like pains, He thought it
    they would soon go off again & on that account did not send for
    Bro: Ockn untill Friday ye 27th who When he came found
    him very sick & in great pain in his poor Tabernacle But
    very Tender & a real poor & happy Sinner, in his Heart,
    Closely connected with his best & wounded friend & Saviour Jesus Christ
    On whom he sayd he could rely in his Bodely pain & had rest
    & peace for his Soul, When he was asked if he would like
    a Bro: to Sit up with him in the Night, He Answerd O yes
    a Bro: a Bro: was dear to me allways & now perticulerly.
    Accordingly it was so orderd that he had Bros Every
    Night to Sit up with him during his sickness, the 28th in
    the morning Bro: Ockn visited him again & found him
    much easier, & when he cald again at Night his pain
    was abated greatly But by all the Meticince notwithstanding all the Doctr
    had given him the Cause was not yet removed; He kept
    again a very Tender Band with Bro: Ockn & sayd my heart
    leans un Shaken as a poor worm On my unseen & best
    friend He is my support &c. On Sunday ye 29th He was
    Seized with the Hicough, which proved very troublesome to
    him But was he had wise not worse no more pain in his Body & was happy in his heart.

    ye 30th in forenoon When Bro: Ockn visided him He found
    him Siting up & walking sometimes he walked a little in the room Sometimes & by this ??? by many
    other circumstances, it seemed as it he recovered strenght &
    He Spoke again in a Tender Band like manner of his heart &
    the Connection he had with Our dear Saviour (viz) that his
    feeling Nearness did comfortd him in an uncomen Maner
    & said perhaps I may recover again this time, so thus he continue
    ed all Day, at Night When the Bro: came who wer
    to sit up with him, He sayd you See my Bro: I am getting my
    Supper & was very chearfull untill after 11 o’Clock when
    he went to bed & was soon after Seized again with uncomen great
    pain again in his Bowels so that he could not lye in Bed, But
    was helpd up into a Chair &c, When after some time he was a
    little Easier again he desierd to have same verses Sung, But
    sayd all at once O dear what how many people is here, His daughter Sayd
    Father you only think so, But he look’d up again & sayd O yes they are
    Angels to Convey my poor Soul home &c then he desierd to See Bro
    Ockn who came there about 3 o’Clock in the morning (viz) Decr 9th
    & found him full of pain, But Sensible, When asked Dear Abm are you
    indeed how going home to Our Lord & Saviour? He AnSwerd with a
    faultring Tonge yes, Then as soon as the Liturgy began, with
    singing first that verse Grant him to lean unShaken &c The
    pain left him, his Countenance became more Serene & Clear
    and about 4 oClock Our dearest Lord & Saviour Whose
    feelings near presence, at this House visit, we had very so
    Sensibly felt & injoyd, took kiss’d this precious Soul, in stillness
    from out of the Tabernacle along with him to the Church above
    during the singing Pale lips Kiss him on the Ht Open arms, take him
    In the 64 year of his age of When the Childrens Text for the Day was
    Behold I come Quickly.