Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Hannah Hunt (1755-1769)

The Course of Life of the Great Girl Hannah Hunt I was born in Gomersal in the parish of Birstol in the year 1755, removed with my parents to Fulneck 1760, by which means I had the opportunity of going to the Childrens meeting which was a great favoar to me & also a Great satisfaction to my dear parents when I behaved orderly and well, but alass it was too much often the case otherwise my Lightmindedness often deprived me of the injoyment of the congregation Days which was at Times a real mortification to me & made me examine myself more sollomly then I surely should have done, had I been sufferd to go on with out reprose,

March 25 by I was received into the great girls choir from which Time I became more thoughtful over the miss spent time in My Childrens years, & wishd to conduct myself for the future more to my saviours mind, which occasion’d an Earnest desire in me to live amongst the Girls in the Choirhouse into which place I had the Grace to enter the following month of august with a real desire to devote soul & body to live to my dear Saviour, beging Him to forgive me all my former disobedience & make me a true poor sinner according to His own Heart but after all my Good resolutions, I had not the Grace to be open Hearted nither to my Labourers nor room companions so that I came into a real dryness & indifferece of Heart to the Calls of Grace & also the blessing I might have injoyd amongest the dear Girls, who as well as the Sisters, felt great pain & concern over my poor Salvation; which brought me upon more serious reflection & I began to be more incurably

convinced of the great danger I was in, so that I became very Heavy & much disstresst & seeing one and another of my room companions received into the congregation I was brought by such occasions to look afresh into my own Heart & beg with the Tenderest Tears of my dear saviour what He wou’d bless me & make help me to be more open Hearted then Hitherto, for I now felt more than I was able to bear, & I felt the Grace & confidence that He wou’d look upon me His poor child —

March 27 1769 I was received into the congregation which was a great blessing & merited the Tenderest & most Humble adoration my poor Heart was able to return’ thus fare or own words.

from This Time was Observed a particular work of the Holy ghost. Her close & reserved disposition had caused Her Laborers many uneasey hours as no Traces of Thankfulness, cou’d be preceived Either for Her liveing in the choirhouse or the care & nursing bestowd upon or that she injoy’d ought pleasing in the fellowship amongest the girls, she now became more freindly & open Hearted & spok in a sinnerlike & blessed manner over Her whole course & going on, & that Her present Sickness was a real blessing to Her, it being a slow wearing, which gave Her an oppertunity of seeing several depart out of this Time dureing Her abode in the sickroom which caused Her many Tears, Especial one of Her room Girls namely anna John Gambold, whose corpses she beg’d to have brought to Her bedside before she was carried out, of the sickroom Ah she cryd when will my Happy hour come, I used I cou’d not bear the thought of dieing, but now all that Timouressness is departed from me & I can Heartily wish My Saviour wou’d take me to Himself, being one day observd weep in silence

and askd The occasion she answerd I was reflecting How blind I shou’d be if my dr savr wou’d permitt me to be a candidate but my weakly Tabernacle cannot be present at any such oppertunity; but pray think of me, she was disired not to make it Heavy to Herself but wait satisfied our dr savr Time & love & long for Him with Her whole Heart;

On July 10 she was acquainted that our Savr had granted Her request in being candidate for the Holy communion & also a participant she burst into a flood of Tears & Expressd much love and Tenderness to Her dear Savr for bestowing such Grace upon so worthless a Creature as she was, & said I have often spoke & Heard it spoke about the sinnership but I never knew in all my Life what is was to feel it in my Heart till I came upon my sickbed, indeed; its quite a different thing to feel it then only to say I am a sinner I will and shoud be a sinner, thanks be to my dr Lamb who has given me the Grace to feel thus Happy a midn all poverty & weakness; & askd if she might communicate this the knowledge of this favour she had to be a candidate & a participant to Her sick companions who Heartily rejoiced with Her, & waitd with impatience the Happy moment of this great injoyment; & dureing the Sacrament which she & another of Her sick companion injoyd for the firt Time, there was an inexpresable feeling of the nearness of her unseen freind, whom Her longing spirit wish soon for to Embrace, & she continued in a Joyful Expectation of seeing Him face to face who had thus Sacrementaly prepared Her for His arms & bosom in the Midst of the Knowledge of Her own poverty and wretchedness she as attain’d thro’ grace in His merits to close Her period in this Time during the blessing of Her choir & Enterd into Her Eternal rest July 20 1769 & in the 14 year of Her age,