Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Sally Holt (1727-1753)

Sally Hoult was born at Bramell in the Parish of Stockport in Cheshire on the 25 Day of Feb: 1727 where she Liv’d till about 1743, when she being stirr’d up in her Heart by the Holy ghost to seek after the Salvation of her soul and sometime after hearing the Testimony of the Brn; & being convinced of the truth & simplicity of the gospel Taught by them, Drew accquaintance with them and in the year 1748 gain’d the favour to Live in the Single Sisters House in Duckenfield where she behav’d very well & was Loved by all.

Having afterwards along with some more sisters paid a visit To the Congregation in Yorkshire she express’d her Mind & hearty Desire to be a member of that Body.

Hearing of the Single Sisters House Here being built she would say O! that our Saviour may once grant me the favour to live in that house

In the month of September 1750 she with the rest of the Oconomy Removing from Duckenfield to Live in Yorkshire took her abode in Tyre-sell-Hall where she Lived to the Satisfaction both of herself & her sisters, Only as she was not Receiv’d in the Congregation would sometimes give her Pain

In the Latter End of the Year 1751 she begun to be a little Disorder’d by the Rhoumatism which settled in her Arm & in the Spring following it remaining & also


also being attended with a Dropsical disease & a Complication of disorders Render’d her almost incapable of Business.

Her Reception lay very near her Heart & she Often would sigh & weep after a nearer fellowship with our dear Saviour & his Church

Thus she continued all Summer & as to health Better & Worse

In th’ month of Novr: 1732 she Obtain’d the grace to be a Receiv’d into the Congn to her great joy & satisfaction.

When we Enter’d in our Choir House she Chearfully Came with us praising & adoring the Lamb who had granted her that, she so long had wish’d for: But she had not Long Enjoy’d this happiness before her Joy was in some Respect interrupted by the return of her Disorder in a much greater Degree than before & in the beginning of the Present year the Dropsey siezing her whole Tabrnacle & her Arm being quite useless by the Rhoumatism & c she was not able to help herself therefore was Oblig’d to take her Room & now it was she begun to think of going home & speaking to a Sister about it Said you will See One of the Poorest & perhaps Least thought of geting the Favour to go out of this House First, & wish’d that the happy hour might soon Come.

  She spoke of her Departure with a great deal of Pleasure Rejoiceing in the full assurance she felt of the Love of our Saviour & the Free forgiveness, of all her sins in his Dear Blood

In May her Father & Mother Come to see her, she beg’d  them not to be troubl’d about her, telling them she was going to her much wish’d for Habitation & to her beloved Lamb.

They asking if she had a mind to be Buried in her own Country she answer’d No! I have hither to Chosen to Live with the Congregation I chuse also to Die with them & it is my Choice to be Buried Here

After they was gone she Looking out at her window & seeing the Burying ground she Express’d her Hearty desire of going home; But added that she should should be Extreamly glad to Partake of the Lords Supper first, for now she felt her Heart very desirous theref, & of a nearer fellowshipe with him whose Wound was very near & dear to her Heart

Sometime after hearing at a Distance One sing that Verse I am Drunk for love & half Departed &c she begun also to sing & said I know who was the Author of that Verse I wish I was with him then I  should also be with my Lamb then I would think on many whom I Leave behind me but I will think on my Relations First that you may be sure

She often repeated her Desire for the  Sacrament & according to her wish & Desire was Confirm’d on the 13th of August to  her Unspeakable Joy: She now thought she could be Satisfied till the time she indeed should be Partaker thereof! but growing weaker Continualy; thought the time very Long so that she Even Number’d the Days. Being Persuaded to have


Patience she answer’d that she felt herself very weak & that she was sure she could not stay Long. On the Eight of Sept: She was worse than Ever: but one Perceiv’d more of her Desire by her Looks & Gesture than by her words for now she spoke very Little. 

On th’ Ninth of September being Lds Supper Day she was Extreamly Bad but very still & Patient Testifying the by her look the desire of her Heart which was granted her the same Day By the Bodily Partaking of the Corps & blood of her Eternal Husband

In a little time after she Express’d her Longing to go Saying now she was ready, she Continued Exceeding bad But Happy & chearful in the Contemplation of the Love and Peace of her Lamb. On Saturday the 15 of September She again alter’d & in the Afternoon between 4 & 5 o’clock  Happily took her Flight into the Arms of her Lover **in the 26th year of her age under the singing of  Pale Lips Kiss her upon the 


And being blest for her Departure by Sister Dorge accompany’d by the other Labouress who also Continued to  Sing Several Suatable Verses in thanking & Praising our Saviour who had so  happily Conducted her thro’ all her Pain Sickness & Now Kiss’d her to Himself