Little Justina Elizabeth LaTrobe was born here at
Fulneck June 13th 1767. From her earliest days she was an
agreeable and lovely Child, and continued under the Care of her
Parents till they got their Call to London, when the Nurse
cared for her till Apr. 22d 1769, on which day she came
into the Girls Oeconomy. And tho’ she was very fond of
the Sr with whom she had been till now, yet she was soon
at home among her little Companions and much beloved by both
Sisters and Children on account of her simple, Loving
and friendly disposition. Whenever she comitted any
little mistake, she was directly sorry about it, and beg’d
Foregiveness. She look great Delight in going to the Childns
Meetings and singing of our dear Saviours Sufferings,
whereby she grew often very tender. She used oft to sing
the Verse: Sleep well dear Child &c with a certain Feeling
which made the Sister surmise, that perhapes some one
or other would soon go to our Savr out of their midst,
without suspecting her to be the needy Flower for Transplan
tation into a better Garden. In the Begining of last
March she grew sickly and on the 11th of the same Month
she was moved into the sick Room. And tho all possible
means were made use of, yet they all proved ineffectual.
She never made any Complaint, and was as patient as
a Lamb. when about a week ago a Sr went home, con
cerning whom she had many questions to ask, and upon being
told that, that Sr was now with our dear Savr she said:
I will also go and live with our Savr and being asked
why she would go to him? she answered: because I love
him, and when see him, he will lay his Hand upon
me. On Maunday Thursday she wanted to see once
more the Children in their Rooms, and being carried
thither she was much pleased as also the Children.
On Good Friday she was told, how much our dear Savr
had suffered for us on the Cross, to which she listened with
a pensive attention, and soon after she altered so that
it became evident her Dissolution was at hand.
In the Evening she was still spoke to, that she would now
soon be with our Savr, to which she answered very
distinctly: Yes! Yes! Yes, I will go to my Savr!
during which there was such a Feeling that all melted
into Tears who were about her. about 11 o’Clock
in the Evening during a very feeling Liturgy, this
dear little heart was blessed for her Departure
and still before 4 o’Clock in the Morning, on the great Sabbath she fell
gently and happily asleep in her Redeemers Arms
and her Remains enjoy now the Meritorious Benediction Rest
of our Lords Corpse in the Grave. She spent and
this dying Life 5 years within 2 Months.