Ann Vickers was born in the parish of Frinsber near Rodchister in Kent, soon after came with to parents to London; when She was about 5 Years old She went a little while to Mr. Wesths Siked, after wards She came home again to her parents having got the Small pokes, were She Remaind till ye Year 1741 when ye Bren began first the Childrens Oconemy in Little Wilestret She Soon had ye favour to be one of them in ye year 1742, they Removed to Lambs Inn, our Saviour began thear to work upon her heart that one Could percive it, Novr ye 13th 1746 She Came to Mile end with Girls Oconemy 1748 She was Recived into ye Great Girls Choir; and ye same year in to ye Congregation, whichd proved great blessing to her She soon felt a longing desire to be a pertaker of ye holy Sacrament, which was soon granted to her November ye 13th 1750, had such an efect upon her that one Could percive it in all her Actions, her heart was realy ingajed with our Saviour in such a manner; that if She felt any thing which was not right; She was a Sinner about it in her own heart before any one Could tell her of it, She soon became Useful on account of her being so Actif in Reading & Writing & She performed this at Scool among ye Children, With great faith fullness. in Year 1752 She with Several others was Recived into the Singel Sr Choir by Anna joanna, which was a great pleasuer & Satisfaction to her by which menes She devoted her Self a New to her Bridgoom saying She was now in that Chouir out of which She shou’d go to our Saviour, and Now her only wish and Longing was, to be here in this time a faithtull Virgin, and to remain always near his Wounds She was Anxious some times about her Self and pray’d her Bridegroom to keep her Safe in his Armes till her Dying Life was over, of which She got ye Asurenc in a dream, that our Saviour would preserve her When She heard of her Comeing to Yorkshier, She was very much rejoiced, her Mother Asking her if She did not Like better to stay in London, She Answerd, No, I feel it is our Saviours will for me to go and Live in the Choir house at grace hall, in 1753 She Came here in in Company with Sr Dorgy, and some more Srs and, Children were She has gone on in a quiet uninturrupted Corce of Life, being very Chearfull and happy,
When ye firsd Choir Lords Supper was kept here by the dear Desiple and ye Mother, She had the grace to be one of that Company, the feeling of which has remaind always ye same as at that present hour She has Spoke about it in her Sickness with such a feeling that it melted ye heart of all those who were about her, She has been here in the Choir house a very Usefull Person, in translaiting an Writeing Choir discorses, and many other things belonging to the house Since the Girls EOconemy come to Yorkshier, She has kept them their Writeing school with faithfullness, and they miss her very much, She had a perticulear Gift for makeing hymns both for her self and others, At the time when ye Girls Oconemy came here, her Leges began to Swell, and be painfull to her, She also Lost her Voice for Singing and it was hard for her to Speak we thought She wou’d be better, and it semd so for a wile but after wards it returnd, and Setled on her Longs, and She began to Spit Bloud again at New years Night watch just when ye Congregation fell on her knees before her Bredegroom at ye Entrey in of ye New year, it was impressd on her heart, that this was the Last She shou’d ever keep here, She weept exceedingly, and Said in her heart, Dear Saviour Shall I keep my Next Watch with thee, or in another Congregation; The soon got the feeling that if Shoud be with him, but She kept it to her self About the Midle of April, She was Suddenly Seasd With a fit, her Disorder turnd to a Consumption & She was now obliged to take to ye Sickroom, She grew Weaker from day to day, and as we could see planly, that her time drew near, We let her Mother know who Came Soon after, and Stay’d with her till her Departuer, which was a great Satisfaction to her ye 18th instant She was taken with Convultion fits, about, 6 in ye Morning we thought She would go, but She Recoverd again, being very Sory that our Saviour had not taken her so that we could heardly perswade her to be Satisfied, in ye after noon She desierd to See her room Sisters, and Gave each something to Remember her, Kissed them and begd them to give her Love to Sr Mary Ever Since that time we have been in Constant expect ion of her Departuer so that She would never Let her Laberous go from her her beds Side, Lest they they should miss Giveing her ye bleesing of her Choir ye 22d She a woke in ye Morning Saying, I belive my dear Lamb will now Come to fetch me, then She began to Sing quit Loud, then, Amen, Amen will they Cry All join in sweet harmony &c. when I Shall permishion &c. fair ye bride woud marrid be Come dear Lord &c. Dont Disturb me now &c. then She desird Sr Sophia Who Watchd, with her, to Sing that Hymm Lord Jesus fountain of my Life, and told her ye Page with her Stamering Toung, this was don Till to those words, grant me a swet and desent end and take me when my head I bend. thy napkin and thy winding Sheet, will soon bind my head breast heands and feet, were She joind and Sung quit lively then She foulded her hands, Crying out O my Precious Lamb stand buy me in my Last moment there I see thee on ye Cross, O my Lamb I come to thee, I Come to thee, then She went to sleep, a little wille afterwards, She awoke and said, I have been dreeming that I was with our Saviour and said to him; I am come to thee as a poor Sinner with all ye love of ye Choir O he loves ye Single Sr Choir, O he Loves to bless us; then turning her to her Mother, She Said: O my dear Mother; our Saviour Loves You very much? He loves the Widows, and he will bless them they are Choir Srs also, She said ferther to her Mother, what a faviour and grace is it that we are both in the Congregation, and one body with our Saviour, I wil bear you on my heart before our Saviour that he may bless God and bring you through, You have done a great del for me, then She took her in her Arms and kiss’d her, ye 26th being our docternal day we told her of it She rejoiced and said, She should like best to keep
the Love feast above wile we keept it here below She continued ye Whole day, longing for her Bridegroom to fetch here; in ye evening hearing ye Sr go in to ye Meeting hall She asked what thay was a going to have; Sr Dorgy told her we shoud have the Cup of thanksgiveing O said She if I cou’d enjoy that once more, how glad shou’d I be, her Desier was granted under an inex pressable feeling, of his nearness which will not be forgot by those present after that She was quit Composd for some time, then She began to express how She felt our Saviour quit near her, and said here is my Bridegroom, here he Stands and Smiles at me He has washed me in his blood, I am Clean, I am Clean, He has made me a pure Virgin, for Christ has for given me all my Sins, now I come to thee pure & Clean, Clothed in thy own Rightcouoness, thus She continued all the night, with Singing and Speaking the day after She was much ye Same, Continnualy Longing and Calling, for her beloved in ye Evening She began to be quit still, and her Spech faild her so that we Could not understand all that She said, Some times we percived that She was Speak ing with our Saviour Mentioning the Choir in Grace hall how he Shall bless them On ye 28th She went under a soft Litturge between ten and Eleven a Clock in ye Morning over in to the Armes of her Eternal Bridegroom and lover under ye Blessing of Sr Dorgy dureing yr Singing of that Vers pail lipes kiss her upon the heart